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Thread: applying for admin/mod

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    Chocolaty_Meme's Avatar

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    applying for admin/mod

    Hello! While yes, I know the process may take a while, I feel as though I'm at least somewhat fit for the position of admin. Nothing too special. I'll do my best if I am able to accomplish this. I play on the insta-respawn 2fort server a lot but that's about it. But I play on it pretty regularly whenever I'm not busy with anything else. Lately I've really cracked down on reporting cheaters/DDoSers when I see them (I didn't know how to before). Though I can admit I can improve my game. Like that one guy I couldn't get the steam ID of because I disconnected (sorry again for that by the way). But I feel as though I'm pretty fit for the job. And while yes, I do get slightly salty in chat on the occasion, I would never use the power to do anything rash because I get grumpy when playing video games. Thank you for your time.

    Also, side note. Why is voting to scramble teams against the rules if there's a usable scramble teams button?

    Thanks again,

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    What do you think the responsibilities of a server admin are?
    (also, posted in wrong section)

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    Chocolaty_Meme's Avatar

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    My bad! First time using the forums. I'm not too sure how to direct around the site yet.

    The responsibilities of admin are to uphold the rules of the server and deal with users who are breaking them, try to get everyone to help in the stopping of people who break the rules (i.e. reporting them to the forums/discord server ), and to do your best to ensure people are having fun and enjoying the time they have on the server. Also to regularly be on the server so you can help with problems as soon as the arise, and if by the chance you were offline at the time check reports and deal with them accordingly.

    Thanks again,

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    scuba steve's Avatar

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    A concerned citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by Chocolaty_Meme View Post
    Hello! While yes, I know the process may take a while, I feel as though I'm at least somewhat fit for the position of admin. Nothing too special. I'll do my best if I am able to accomplish this. I play on the insta-respawn 2fort server a lot but that's about it. But I play on it pretty regularly whenever I'm not busy with anything else. Lately I've really cracked down on reporting cheaters/DDoSers when I see them (I didn't know how to before). Though I can admit I can improve my game. Like that one guy I couldn't get the steam ID of because I disconnected (sorry again for that by the way). But I feel as though I'm pretty fit for the job. And while yes, I do get slightly salty in chat on the occasion, I would never use the power to do anything rash because I get grumpy when playing video games. Thank you for your time.

    Also, side note. Why is voting to scramble teams against the rules if there's a usable scramble teams button?

    Thanks again,
    Hello there! I'm just a concerned citizen wanting to give my 2 cents on the matter of your application, and i am in no means trying to discourage you from trying to apply. However i have taken notice of some weak points in your initial application that could very well weaken your chances at approval.

    The first point that i noticed is when you stated "I play on the insta-respawn 2fort server a lot but that's about it.", while i understand the feeling of wanting a little power, being a server regular and all, there are good reason's why not every guy/girl that plays the server regularly gets admin/mod. Being a admin isn't just about banning/kicking/warning people who do naughty things on the server, a large part of it is community engagement (IE. welcoming people, being nice and friendly, ect.). While i do not know you personally, nor have i ever played on the server with you, i feel as if you don't exactly have the highest community engagement just yet.

    The second point that i took notice of was when you stated, "Lately I've really cracked down on reporting cheaters/DDoSers when I see them (I didn't know how to before).". While i give you a gold star for learning how to report all the naughty boys and girls, who like to harass players and mods/admins with their relentless hacks and DDosing attacks, just recently starting to do this doesn't make for a very strong point in your application. Also like i stated previously, being a mod/admin is not just about kicking/warning/banning people, a large part of it is also community engagement. I'm going to quote butane from a previous application from Dec. 4, 2018 to help round out this point (I'll also link to it at the end if you want to go read his response in full) "Furthermore, when I see regulars like you on and an issue arises in the server, I dont see you attempt to correct it. This has me personally believe you would just admin it how you see fit based on how it affects your play, not protect everyone on the server and dish out the rules as they are no matter personal opinion on the rule(s) or how many hours they have on server (including protecting new users from long time regulars in many cases) or if you are friends with said user(s)."

    Now I'm not going to fault you for getting salty when you play video games, because that's a large part of video game culture, and having emotions like that when you do poorly or feel like you could've done better is part of what makes us human and not machine. With that being said, I personally don't find it acceptable for a server mod/admin to take his/her saltiness out in the chat. Since you would be representing the server publicly, a mod/admin should act professional at all times, both on and off the server. While i understand your claim that you wouldn't do anything rash because of your occasional grumpy state, it's still unacceptable for a mod/admin to take it out in the chat. That's just my personal opinion however, and SOP staff may feel differently towards that view.

    I hope you can understand my concerns and take them to heart. I'm not attacking you, please don't be angry. I just want what's best for my favorite server group. But as it stands, i feel that your current application is weak and you need more time in the community to grow and mature before your application is strong enough for a fair chance. But if you want to try to apply, please do! I love seeing new faces on the staff team, even if i mostly stay in the shadows and out of public conversations. If you do go ahead and apply, i wish you the best of luck!

    SIDE NOTE: Ask Butane about the scramble teams rule.

    Best wishes
    ~ A concerned citizen


    That's the sound of a bottle when it's hollow
    When you swallow it all wallow and drown in your sorrow
    And tomorrow you're probably gonna wanna do it again
    What's a little spinal fluid between you and a friend?
    Screw it! And what's a little bit of alcohol poisonin'?
    And what's a little fight? Tomorrow, you'll be boys again
    It's your life, live it however you wanna

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    Chocolaty_Meme's Avatar

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    Thank you! I appreciate this feedback! Though there's not much I can change about what I've already said since I've already said it. It doesn't even have to be me who's the admin! I just want a regular on the server with some kicking privileges to crack down on the pesky cheaters and DDoSers. As (in my experience) admins are a bit slow to jump on the case at times, (which I don't blame them for!) I just want the servers I play on to run properly all the time with no cheating.

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    scuba steve's Avatar

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    We all want the server to run properly with no cheating, and in a perfect world that would be the case. But we do not live in such a world, unfortunately. While i do agree that the mods/admins are sometimes a little slow to act on certain things, it's not without good reason. They take their time to acquire proof of the incident (recordings, logs, ect.) and to get the players information (steamID, ect.). However, as butane has previously stated in the response i linked to in my last post, they handpick admins for a reason, quality over quantity. With all of that being said, the system that's in place, as slow as it can be sometimes, works. While i do not know how to speed the system up in a meaningful way, because i believe that simply adding a few more admins wouldn't necessarily change anything, the current system of handling reports and issuing punishments works, and as the old saying goes "Don't fix it if it ain't broke".

    But as i stated in my last post, I'm not discouraging you nor anyone else from applying to receive a staff role, because i truly think seeing fresh faces on the team is a good thing, and I'm happy every time it happens. I'll link to a different thread of a old veteran player who got nominated back on Feb. 25, 2013. The person who nominated him used much of the same logic you are using, so i think it will be a good read for you. It has many response's from almost the entire mod/admin team, from my knowledge at least, so it provides a good insight into their line of thinking. The link will be at the end.

    But long story short here, If you want to apply, please do. If you don't that's alright, but the system as slow as it can be sometimes still works. Sometimes adding people just isn't the correct solution.

    Best wishes
    ~ scuba


    As far as the new wave of DDoser's goes, adding a new admin is not going to stop them either. Now I'm not too knowledgeable in this particular field, so please excuse any inaccuracies. But the only solution i can personally see would be to invest in a better protection plan to help prevent it from happening. Now if there is a better long term solution the staff is currently aware of, i do not know. I can only speculate just like you. Will they/have they already done that, again i do not know. Given the current state of most of the other servers, besides the 2fort insta respawn one, i highly doubt it, mainly because i doubt the servers make enough to afford that kind of upgrade at this time, and the current amount of donor's is unknown to my knowledge. The staff could always make their own protection against it, or hire a programmer to do it but it still sadly comes down to time and money. But that is just one mans opinion. Hopefully time will kill off the DDosing wave, but there is always a new script-kiddie around the corner, so i doubt that it will ever fully stop.

    That's the sound of a bottle when it's hollow
    When you swallow it all wallow and drown in your sorrow
    And tomorrow you're probably gonna wanna do it again
    What's a little spinal fluid between you and a friend?
    Screw it! And what's a little bit of alcohol poisonin'?
    And what's a little fight? Tomorrow, you'll be boys again
    It's your life, live it however you wanna

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