76561197968599044 Steam join date: Aug 31, 2004
Steam Level: 239
Profile Status:
SOP has always hand picked admins who demonstrate certain qualities. As said in my PM to you, its not just about banning a hacker here or there, but understanding that you need community engagement (something you have not demonstrated yet imo). Furthermore, when I see regulars like you on and an issue arises in the server, I dont see you attempt to correct it. This has me personally believe you would just admin it how you see fit based on how it affects your play, not protect everyone on the server and dish out the rules as they are no matter personal opinion on the rule(s) or how many hours they have on server (including protecting new users from long time regulars in many cases) or if you are friends with said user(s).
If you still think you want to go for admin, lets see it.
Sidenote, Rules are agreed to by admins based on feedback from players here on the forums and our (admins) own observations in server, then passed to head server admins/owners for final OK, this process can take months.