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Originally Posted by
Uh, people run backwards when they shoot at you.
Running backward = -10% speed.
Which means you get a 17% bonus, which is around half a scout compared to normal speed.
okay, assuming they are running backwards shooting at him, what classes wouldn't blow a medic away at melee ranges anyway. lets check (assuming players are both at equal level)
scout will kill it with a scattergun, and not even matter because he is faster
engineer will blow it away because shotguns are better than the scattergun at anything but near-melee range anyway.
a spy would probably be toast unless he could cloak and dodge the inherant needle shitstorm
a demoman would have killed it hours ago, and if not it has a nade launcher that can shoot forward and hit the medic behind him anyway
medic v medic melee shitfest, the needlegun won't kill him fast enough
sniper's smg will get rid of him pretty quick
soldier and heavy have time to switch to their melee weapon, realize that their melee weapons are useless against a medic that is aware of them, switch back to their primary and kill him.
any of the pyros weapons will get rid of him pretty quick
the only thing the extra speed really does is make spies more difficult to use. (even though they are annoying, you have to admit that they are useless unless the player using the spy is god-tier)