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Thread: TF2 = reality?

  1. #1
    dynamo152's Avatar

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    TF2 = reality?

    is it bad that i saw this and the first thing i thought was whether they had eyepatches?

  2. #2
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    RL demos and shit,

    would hate to get hit by a sticky crit in baghdad!

  3. #3
    Versed's Avatar

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    I don't share the same enthusiasm as you two, in fact it makes me a bit sick to my stomach to think how you compare the two.

    I served in Iraq back in 2004 and I watched many people die from I.E.D.'s and other explosive devices that were set up against us. Being a medic I saw all of the wounded and I can tell you that cleaning out the back of a 4 ton truck that had 12 soldiers in it who were hit by an I.E.D. is nothing like that of a cartoon video game.

    Games are not real, the conflict in the Middle East is. Comparing a cartoon video game device that's meant for entertainment to a real life threat against human beings who are dying for their country is distasteful.

  4. #4
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    relax versed, being serious is good, but in moderation

  5. #5
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    relax versed, being serious is good, but in moderation
    Actually, he is serious only in moderation. I'm quite certain this is nearly THE only serious post he's ever made on these forums.

    Zeit, it's naive of you to think you can post so callously about such a serious topic and not expect that someone would respond in this way.

  6. #6
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    excuse me?


    people get blown the fuck up. im NOT sorry if i made a correlation between the FACT that people get blown the fuck up from a sticky bombs in bahgdad, and the FACT that people get blown the fuck up by demos IG. It's tragic boo hoo.

    I'm actually flabbergasted you two are being so PC about this. I'm certainly not going to let you make me feel bad for not doing anything wrong.

  7. #7
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    No one told you to be sorry and if you weren't so busy trying to start a fight, you'd see that. Again, no one is trying to make you feel bad. No one is trying to make you feel anything.

    I was pointing out the fact that your comment to Versed was inaccurate. If you knew him even the tiniest bit, you'd know that he's nearly never serious about anything. He's a big goofball. He makes one comment to one of your hundreds of posts on this forum and suddenly you think people are attacking you.

    And now who is the one who needs to relax? You're the one getting all blown up about this.

    Dynamo made a post which he had every right to post. You made a comment to it which you also had every right to do. Versed made his own comment stating that he believes the comparison of video game death to real life death is distasteful- also within his right to have an opinion, too.

    Then you come back trying to start something because he had a different opinion than you.

    I comment because your post to Versed made no sense. First, telling him "being serious is good, but in moderation" makes little sense because he is serious only in moderation. This just happens to be one of those few times.

    Also, for the record, most (not all) human beings consider violent death of another human to be a serious thing. However, that is clearly not the point of this conversation.

    And one final point, you then reply and get attitude with me. I didn't say I agree with Versed. I didn't say I agreed with you. I didn't say you were a jerk for thinking the post was funny. I said absolutely nothing at all insulting or negative to you.

    I made 2 points:

    1. You don't know Versed which makes it funny that you would accuse him of being too serious.
    2. When you post to controversial threads, you have to expect that people might disagree with what you said.

    In case you have problems distinguishing tone from typed words on a page, I am not upset in this post, either.

    Since you clearly don't know me either, I don't start Internet fights with people. I have plenty of other things to entertain me. I also don't judge people, hold grudges or make biased opinions regarding things I don't understand. I am probably one of the most neutral people you will ever meet. I am very passionate about many things in life but I don't waste my own energy with negative thoughts toward other people, especially those I meet online.

    I'm only taking the time to write this in the hopes that you will be mature enough and patient enough to actually read it before spouting off some hasty reply and realize that no one is attacking you or judging you and you are the one getting upset and yelling at others to relax.

    We are relaxed. You clearly are not.

    I will not go back and forth in argument with you. (That's what we have Omega for. ) I just want to point out the clear truth to you that you have now included me in a conversation where you throw around generalizations, assumptions, profanities and labels and then you accuse me of trying to make you feel bad.

    Let me tell you this, I have read nearly every post you have ever made on this forum.

    I have never labeled you.
    I have never judged you.
    I have never disliked you.

    I would have hoped you'd extend the same courtesy to me.

  8. #8
    Versed's Avatar

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    As IP said I don't take many things serious when it comes to the internet. I feel it's mainly a waste of my time to share my views with others because conversations like this start and end up being pointless.

    I'd like to clarify that I wasn't attacking either of you or saying you're bad people and I hate you. Also I'm hardly one to be politically correct, I think it's quite silly.

    You also made the assumption that I was somehow offended by what you two said, which I'm not. I'm not "offended" I'm disheartened by the fact that people can compare a real life tragedy to that of a video game.

    If you took something more from my post then I am sorry. I'm not sorry for my opinion or post. I'm entitled to my comment just as you are. I'd have to agree with IP in saying you seem the be the only one getting worked up about it.

  9. #9
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    wait what?

    no, im the one that doesn't care about this.

    stop trying to steal my apathy

    edit: this was clearly a case of "reading things on the internet and saying them in your head in a way that the writer didnt intend" on both of our parts, so im sorry if i came across as saying anything in a tone other then "smartass"

  10. #10
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    this thread confuses my head

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