Quote Originally Posted by hsn620707
Quote Originally Posted by Manbok
Quote Originally Posted by hsn620707

i will report about korean scammer

first , his steamID and profile: STEAM_0:0:33591252 , http://steamcommunity.com/id/manbok/

and sop rep : http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name...topic&t=101674

Reason :
He pretend Admin of korea trade server

and, he try to trade for cash on korea wepsite.

he used credit of admin ,and impersonated

Proof :
this site is like .. Unite SourceBans in korea. (registered Korea server x55 : http://tommy.or.kr/price/alliedbans.php?mode=stats )
this site represent about scammer in korea
u can find " STEAM_0:0:33591252 (his steam id) "
?????? ??? ???? ??? ????, ????? ? ??
this mean -> simply, pretend admin and try trading for cash

so , he have sop account . (his rep: http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name...topic&t=101674)

i think , he is very very dangerous and all admin of korea agree .

thank you for your time.
__________________________________________________ _

Go ? My Steam Profile

Go ? My Rep On SourceOp

Go ? Buying Site

No, I'm not scammer.

It's misunderstanding with that server's admin. and I banned by Unite ServerBans 2 weeks ago. It's a fact. I pretended Admin of korea trade server though it was misunderstanding. (of course I know that admin is lying)

but I don't scam anyone until now and for ever at sourceop or korea. (you can check it at my sourceop rep and my profile) Though i banned by Unite ServerBans, it is unfair.

Actually, he is my rival in Korea. I think he is avenging to me because i letted koreans know the secret about his price. (and he is Unite ServerBans' manager.)

anyway Better or not, I'm regreting my light act about pretending admin, but I'm not scammer everytime.

and I'm admin at my trade server which is joined at Unite ServerBans. (??? ?? ????, Manbok's common trade server. Even though I banned, many people still believes me and I'm trading with many people now.

I'm not very very dangerous and not all admin of korea agree at I'm dangerous.

I request you for favorable arrangements. Thanks.
[scammer info]
steamID: ?anbok§ ?? ?
steamID32: STEAM_0:0:33591252
steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027448232
customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/manbok
steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198027448232

Reason :
1. He pretend admin of trading server in korea. (Accepted and he acknowledge)
2. He alliebanned a lot of korea server. (Accepted,acknowledged)
2. He is SR scammer ( http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id...3A0%3A33591252 ) (Accepted,acknowledged)
4. He has SOP Account and Rep (his rep: http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name...topic&t=101674) ,it could be dangerous . i request ban on SOP

thank you for your time.
As I said, I'm not scammer. in addition, I'm not SR scammer, either.

I don't understande why he told again.
and he's lying, SR scammer. It's a false return clearly.

but I'm not dangerous and I will not be dangerous anytime. I have many trade with many people and I never take any act to scam, and for ever. You can find my sop credit my rep and my korean credit my profile comment.
I think he is avenging to me surely.

Please handle justly and carefully.