so the 60 dollar keyboard you suggested IS in the 300$+ range?
okay. im done trying to help brainwashed e-tards
so the 60 dollar keyboard you suggested IS in the 300$+ range?
okay. im done trying to help brainwashed e-tards
I never said I needed a new one, I just said that its getting harder to find one with the key setup that I want. I've always had good luck with non-ergo keyboards... Ergo makes my carpal tunnel syndrome hurt.Originally Posted by Omega
The G15 Keyboard isn't ergonomic and has the setup that you like with no ginormous Delete Key.
I used to play the way you are describing, but I got tired of having to shift over the mouse and keyboard.
the g15 is a bit "too much keyboard" for me
let me show you some of the keyboards that really interest myself, and maybe you can pull some ideas for keyboards that might suit your needs
amazing tactile feedback on the keys, and it looks bloody cool.
the ultimate version has no labels on the keys: (this pic is of an older model but apply the zero labels to the above keyboard and you have true awesomeness)
the combimouse
not out yet but looks sick
Optimus Maximus keyboard
i would love to have this keyboard, but the 1600 dollar price tag is a bit much for my taste. you can change ANY of the keys to be whatever youd like using included software and store don the keyboard using a SD card
also OS dependent, no worky on no nixxy
Lenova's new H2O proof keyboard
while they keyboard hasn't been commercially released (that i know of) the technology is very cool - and we will probably see it implemented on a lot more keyboards in the future
more standard keyboards::
Aevoe Moshi Celesta Keyboard
sexy, but probably feels like typing on a laptop keybaord
Kensington SlimType Keyboard
simple and elegant
logitech diNovo Edge
looks like a very popular keyboard, especially with media boxes
i really hope none of these images break the forum - if they do let me know and ill thumb it down and re-link when im home - im at work right now though
edit: and a lulz for todays digg post
the difference being you're doing it to be a toolbox
and im doing it to show anyone who hasnt seen it yet, so they can enjoy new/interesting input devices in a thread about input technology.
can you comprehend that?
Because you couldn't just type AKIHABARANEWS.COM? You needed a 1280×720 image for a single link? You could have cropped that green pig if it was that important.
Plus, I'm doing it to show anyone who hasn't seen it yet, so they can enjoy new and interesting LongCat renditions in a thread about input technology.
Can you comprehend that?
As stated, im at work and dont have the resources available to resize images to thumbs.
I find that people are more interested in seeing a picture of a device, then, if the particular device seems interesting, a user will search out other reviews, pictures, technical specifications, and retailers on their own.
also, i hate that cat(s) picture and its irritating to scroll through EVERYTIME i visit this thread now
also also, u r a troll
also also and also, what pig now?
what is supposed to be a "Aevoe Moshi Celesta Keyboard" comes up as a giant fucking link, how could you not know this?
Also, Learn to imageshack, kid.
it shows up fine for me
that is the link... shouldnt be a "giant fucking link" or even a "giant link" for that matter
also i dont have access to imageshack from this node
ill check everything from home and make thumbs if i or an admin feels its necessary. lemme know!