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I see DF got to my longcat, I put the original one so people could see why.
also, I love this GUI. I spend over 60 hours a day on a computer between work,school and gaming PLUS I suffer from migraines. So my eyes and my brain would be shot if I were to have a normal GUI (not considering the fact that it is a lot harder on your monitor).
Plus, I think it looks great.
On a more related note, I have three keyboard reccomendations (the only three I use)
One is hard to find, it is the Sk-6000 (lawl, brandless). Look for it at office clearance auctions.
the next is the Microsoft ergonomic 4000, easy to find 40$
and the last is an old IBM Model M. Easy to find but it will run you about 100$ for one in good condition (I have had mine since about childbirth)
also, for an ergonomic gaming device you should check out he legendary nostromo speedpad N52.

The one shown is the new Tournament Edition, which adds a better color scheme and back lit keys, a better directional pad and more durable design (I would love it). It is also way more expensive than the one I use (around 50$)
The one I am currently using I picked up about 4 years ago (has taken a lot of abuse as I have moved a lot) is the old version, you can find it for about 30$.
I love the thing because it means that no matter how bad your keyboard sucks for gaming, you will always have another option. (great if you have a wireless keyboard that you love). It comes with a great, easy to use, macro system and 100% customization so you can assign any button to any button, or multiple buttons.
As far as non-ergo keyboards, I have always been fine with any random 10$ keyboard from big-lots.