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Thread: Mouse assistance?

  1. #11
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Quote Originally Posted by avy
    Its getting harder to find a keyboard suitable (to me) for gaming. I use the arrow keys for movement and the insert-pagedown keys for weapon slots and voice menus etc. Nowadays though, most keyboard manufacturers are moving keys and making a big ass delete key for some reason... )0=

    i'll just leave this here
    thank GOD that keyboard is compatible with vista!

    also, it looked like it melted in the center and a bunch of molten plastic sagged and dripped right down it. reminds me of AWFULNESS

  2. #12
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    also, it looked like it melted in the center and a bunch of molten plastic sagged and dripped right down it. reminds me of AWFULNESS
    thank god that text is compatible with vista.

    also, It "looked"(past tense? Does it not look like that anymore?WHO KNOWS?!) like your sentence melted in the center and a bunch of retardation sagged and dripped "right down it"(wow, just wow). reminds me of FAIL.

    On a note with more scientific basis, this is one of the finest keyboards on the market. It is highly durable, has the most effective ergonomic design available for under 900$ and is actually better suited for gaming than any other keyboard I have tried.

  3. #13
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    how much hater-aid did you drink this morning?

    also how is "one of the finest keyboards on the market" scientifically verifiable," and how is "effective ergonomic design" measurable? it's a bit of a stretch to say that a 60 dollar keyboard is the best keyboard in the 1-600 dollar range, would you say?

    basically: ur bein an azz 2day, stop, kkthx

  4. #14
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    I may have been exaggerating a bit, but the key points remain valid.

    your English is horrible, and that keyboard is the best ergonomic keyboard still in production for under 300$

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    how "much hater-aid did you drink this morning?
    well that wasn't very niHOLY FUCKING SHIT!? Did you rip that off of Saved By the Bell or something? Seriously, something that cheesy could have only spawned from that era...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    how is "effective ergonomic design" measurable?
    quite easily actually. You take the amount of people with wrist pain or whatnot on a regular keyboard and compare it to that of the keyboard in question. It is called science.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    also how is "one of the finest keyboards on the market" scientifically verifiable," (endquote?)
    They have these things called "study groups". They rate products based on how they perform. this one was rated above any other consumer-level ergonomic design currently in production.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    it's a bit of a stretch to say that a 60 dollar keyboard is the best keyboard in the 1-600 dollar range, would you say?
    not by much.

    the only other keyboard that rated higher in ergonomics is the Kinesis. and ,in terms of gaming, above the 300$ range it becomes a shit-fest as gaming is near impossible on something like

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    basically: ur bein an azz 2day, stop, kkthx
    complete retardation

  5. #15
    avy's Avatar

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    I abhor ergonomic keyboards.

    I'll just leave this here.

  6. #16
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    You obviously haven't had much luck with non-ergo ones, seeing as you need a new one and can't find one.

  7. #17
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    can you fix your BBCode so i can read your innane retort without cringing due to formatting (can't promise i wont cringe due to content)

  8. #18
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    the formatting was fine, it was the specific variables that were off.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    I may have been exaggerating a bit, but the key points remain valid.

    your English is horrible, and that keyboard is the best ergonomic keyboard still in production for under 300$
    my english is not horrible. in fact, the only mistake i made in my quoted post was "1-600 dollar range, would you say?" which was actually a typo and was meant to be "1-900 dollar range, wouldn't you say?"

    and when talking about price point of keyboards a 300 dollar exaggeration is kind of a big deal, particularly when trying to suggest hardware to other users

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    how "much hater-aid did you drink this morning?
    well that wasn't very niHOLY FUCKING SHIT!? Did you rip that off of Saved By the Bell or something? Seriously, something that cheesy could have only spawned from that era...
    in before someone says it - i did not invent this phrasing, it is a rather popular internet meme (assuming you didnt know this and weren't being sardonic)

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    how is "effective ergonomic design" measurable?
    quite easily actually. You take the amount of people with wrist pain or whatnot on a regular keyboard and compare it to that of the keyboard in question. It is called science.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    also how is "one of the finest keyboards on the market" scientifically verifiable," (endquote?)
    They have these things called "study groups". They rate products based on how they perform. this one was rated above any other consumer-level ergonomic design currently in production.
    this is not science, my friend. i would seriously question the validity of any conclusion that study would make. also; which group held this study? what were the specifics? what products were used for benchmarks? what is your definition of consumer level (yours apparently is any keyboard under 900 dollars.. hahah.. silly ;p) basically can you link to some data, or are you talking out of your ass?

    this is the kind of "science" used to prove cyclical temperature changes. its the same kind of "science" they use to say cigarettes may not be harmful!

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    it's a bit of a stretch to say that a 60 dollar keyboard is the best keyboard in the 1-600 dollar range, would you say?
    not by much.

    the only other keyboard that rated higher in ergonomics is the Kinesis. and ,in terms of gaming, above the 300$ range it becomes a shit-fest as gaming is near impossible on something like
    when i have some time ill find some "ergonomic" keyboards that could be used for gaming... and you can probably purchase dozens of them for the price point you keep referring to. (ok not dozens ;p but a few)

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    basically: ur bein an azz 2day, stop, kkthx
    complete retardation

  10. #20
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    1.your English is, in fact , quite bad.
    2. the reason I exaggerated the price that badly is because the last time I looked at kinetic keyboards they were around 800$
    3. hateraid is a shitty meme, and is hardly popular
    4. trying to say that medical studies aren't science is pure ignorance.
    5. I never said that ergonomic keyboards themselves arent bad for gaming, just any of the highly irregular designs you will find at the 300$+ level.
    6. Please remember that comprehension is a part of the English language, and where you obviously fail. I said that most ergo keyboards above 300$ were shitty for gaming, the fact that you could buy multiple keyboard that are good for gaming with that price is irrelevant because then they obviously won't be in the 300$+ range.

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