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Thread: Prop 8 in Cali

  1. #81
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    thats very true. and you have every right to tell or not to tell. btw, spiderman.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    b. i mean the unorganized and non-catholic/other large denomination christians and other monotheists who are passive towards some of the more aggressive churchs' stance are enabling them to continue being aggressive and dominant. it's the whole "if you didnt stop your friend from murdering a hobo in front of you, you're just as guilty," kind of thing. not that homos are hobos.
    Some Christians are fighting against them. Many feel that the old beliefs and "rules" of these large, aggressive denominations is crooked and unjust and that many good people are unfairly persecuted, abused and sometimes even killed. However, according to your previous statements, that isn't good enough for you.

    Change doesn't happen overnight, as you've referenced yourself in your posts. So why have so much hatred towards people who don't see things 100% the way you do?

    Would you not stand side by side with someone fighting for gay rights simply because they said they believed in God? Are they not "good enough" in your eyes to support your cause?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    gay christians are very much like black confederates. they certainly existed, and they were certainly not popular among their own. it is a direct conflict of interest, and these people are compromising a part of themselves.

    i think they undermine everything gay rights has been pushing for globally over the last few decades. and i mean that to you too bookie! (my partner)
    What exactly do they undermine, specifically?

    How exactly is it a conflict of interest?

    It sounds to me like you are pushing for more rights for homosexuals but you're completely against any rights for any one who claims to believe in God (91% of the population of America).

    Don't you feel this is hypocritical?

    You have the freedom to believe that anyone who believes in God is silly. You even have the right to publicly express those opinions because of the country you live in.

    But those other people have just as much right to believe as you have to not believe.

    We have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. If you don't like it, you also have the freedom to challenge the laws and beliefs of this land. However, as long as you are living in a country with those laws, you are also obligated to respect them, at least to some extent.

    There are some Christian religions that handle snakes (Google "Snake handlers") and I think this is absolutely ridiculous. I feel bad for the poor snakes. However, in America, they have the freedom to practice their religion how they choose.

    The government cannot and should not step in and tell them "your religion is too dangerous to practice; you have to stop."

    If we extend this power to the government, it could lead to them telling us our diet is too dangerous or driving our cars is too dangerous. Which is exactly why I don't think the government should be telling gay people they can't get married.

    We allow heterosexual couples to get married so one can gain citizenship, or for someone to get military benefits from an active service member. Young people get married in some states to gain legal emancipation from their parents but these marriages are never challenged or even worse, banned, by the government because they are between heterosexual couples.

    Do I believe this is right? No.

    I've seen first-hand the damage legalities can cause to homosexual couples: not being able to get proper medical insurance on one another, legal troubles with children/custody, etc.

    I do not believe the government should have the right to ban gay couples from getting married. I also don't believe they should force religious leaders to marry homosexual couples if it goes against that religious organization's moral belief. It should be the religious leader's choice if they want to marry the gay couple or not.

    For non-religious ceremonies, no couple should be turned away because they are of the same sex. That is a personal and moral decision each person should make on their own. The government shouldn't have the right to dictate that just as it should not have the right to dictate one's religious beliefs.

    My question to you is why you are so open to rights for homosexuals but you believe those who believe in God should have no rights at all- even those who are gay and believe in God?

  2. #82
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by avy
    Anyone here a practicing Jedi like myself?
    This guy is:

  3. #83
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    Carlinism ftw.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    i am completely against the idea of god. if you believe in god, i do not trust your morale compass. i would not count on you, if my life was in peril. i don't believe you should be allowed to vote, or teach in any educational settings, or participate in civil service. you logic is FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED, if you believe in ANY god.
    I am devistatingly curious about this morale compass of which you speak? The moral system of christianity is the basis for 90% of the laws in the world.

    here is the christian moral system:

    I am the Lord your God
    You shall have no other gods before me
    You shall not make for yourself an idol
    You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
    Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
    Honor your father and mother
    You shall not murder
    You shall not commit adultery
    You shall not steal
    You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
    You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
    You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor

    Oh yes, this world would be so much better if everybody rejected this so we could go along killing, stealing, worshiping and creating cults, cheating on our spouse and framing each other.

  5. #85
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    To be honest, I believe that blind fanaticism to anything is morally and ethically wrong.

    People should make their own moral judgments for the paths they choose and not listen to someone else to tell them what to do for the major choices in their life.

    Religion vs Science is a moot point, both have merits and both have downfalls when you take it to the extreme.

    Although I don't see where the downfalls are for extreme science, extreme religion gets your head cut off and killing your own daughter because she insulted your "Honor"

    As long as you don't try to force your beliefs on me, you can do whatever the hell you want.

  6. #86
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    The moral system of christianity is the basis for 90% of the laws in the world.
    Only two of the commandments are laws.

    I'm not saying your point is incorrect or invalid, just suggesting that you may want to clarify.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
    Only two of the commandments are laws.
    give or take a few wherever you are living

    but the question of black people voting came up today:


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