At the risk of being an ass, and yes i am going to go there. There is no scientific evidence that says that people who are "gay" have made a choice. Attraction is subjective as in what is attractive to me may not be attractive to someone else. The biological processes that determine sexual preference have not been explained to MY satisfaction scientifically, with fact, therefore we are left with only a religious argument against. The problem is as i see it is that some people have made a choice concerning Religion "which is a choice" to discriminate againt someone who does not follow thier particular belief system. 50 years ago in the backwards south a black man and a white woman could not get married legally, times and attitudes change and this is just the first battle in what will be a long war against ideological oppression. The problem is that marrage is still considered a religious occasion, but there are certain civil benefits to marrage that take it from a strickly religious event and transfer it into the realm of civil legal protections. My wife and i got married at the courthouse without all the mysticism and religious connotations so that we could get the benefits of marrage. I challange anyone to argue that because we chose to ignore the religious angle of marrage and do it as a civil function that our marrage and devotion to each other is any less than another relationship joined by a religious ceremony. When there are state sponsored benefits and rights associated with a legal contract (and make no mistake, that is what marrage is), and to decide who is elegible based upon some religious litmus test, that is discrimination and oppression. So for all of you folks who were as dissapointed with the results of the election concerning Gay Rights as i was, not to worry, keep fighting, have faith in the system, and realize that there are hetero's who will fight along side you. This is not over and it takes time, mostly for the "old guard" to die off, just like Strom Thurmon who is dead, and the world is a better place for it.