Science-Fiction and fantasy mostly, but mostly newer books simply don't interest me, aren't innovating enough.
I really Like Hughe Patchett, Sergej Lutianwenko and Rebca Gable the most.
Science-Fiction and fantasy mostly, but mostly newer books simply don't interest me, aren't innovating enough.
I really Like Hughe Patchett, Sergej Lutianwenko and Rebca Gable the most.
Just started reading the Song of Ice and Fire series since I really enjoy the television series.
Why of course who could forget... COMIC BOOKS!!!!1!!1!!!one! :P
Unless it's a school related book, that's about all I read
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Just going to throw out some good books I've read lately. Not too much on what they're about, but I recommend all of em.
Perdido Street Station (I've read all three, the first and second are the best)
The Iron Dragon's Daughter
Bitter Seeds ( A bit light in depth, but still pretty entertaining)
Also, pretty much anything by H. P. Lovecraft. That stuff is downright disturbing. I also think that the Song of Ice and Fire series is one of the best Fantasy series ever.
Clockwork orange, battle royale. My top two.
I`ve just read to kill a mocking bird one of those books that changes peoples lifes.
Still in the middle of A Song of Ice and Fire. Best books evar.
theyre OK
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
I only read books when I find them being interesting.