Do you read books, or do you not?
I personally read books when a good one comes my way, and I intend on getting into the Song of Ice and Fire series.
Do you read books, or do you not?
I personally read books when a good one comes my way, and I intend on getting into the Song of Ice and Fire series.
Just finished A Song of Ice and Fire. One of the top 5 fantasy books of all time for sure. You should definitely pick it up, and don't watch Game of Thrones on HBO until after you've read the books. It gives everything away.
I also like Robert Jordan and Raymond Feist. Sanderson took over The Wheel of Time series for Jordan after he passed away and the series hasn't been the same, but still highly recommended.
Fantasy, sci-fi, same as most. Robin Hobb, David Eddings(pre-Athulus), William Gibson (pre-Idoru), Arthur C Clarke, Bruce Bethke (okay, aside from coining cyberpunk, he's only written one real novel, but HeadCrash is amazing), etc. Currently recycling through the Farseer trilogy for the millionth time.
Agreed with the song of ice and fire, can't wait for book 6. Also, the Kingkiller Chronicles are amazing.
I don't really read books, but out of all the books I was force the read, Animal Farm and 1984 (both by George Orwell) were awseome!
Reading is for losers, if you guys weren't such nerds you'd do drugs instead.
I absolutely agree with adder
Autobiography of a Yogi. I've read this about 13 times. It's awesome.
Ender's game is the best novel of all time
just fuckign kidding that book is an overrated piece of garbage
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
Before I read your response I honestly expected it to be "I Hope they Serve Beer in Hell"Originally Posted by WombRaider