if it is your favorite hat then DONT?TRADE IT
people just started to say it as a standard line in trading posts
okay you love the hat
so we are supposed to pay more
if it is your favorite hat then DONT?TRADE IT
people just started to say it as a standard line in trading posts
okay you love the hat
so we are supposed to pay more
REP: [url][/url]
STEAM: [url][/url]
BP: [url][/url]
they say it to try and up the price so that equally retarded people might fall for it.
don't look at my trades then
every hat is my favorite
You forgot about every hat also being themed. Every trade has keywords that with the proper knowledge, gives you some idea on what to expect.
Favorite/dream hat- My favorite hat is actually named profit. Thus, i will find an old buyout price from mid July 2010 and quote that as my price. Aka, I dont dream about this hat anymore, I dream of better hats now.
Themed- Any unusual with an effect.
Please offer, want any offers, love orange text- No one has offered on this hat at all and I've bumped it 12 times in the last 6 hours. With the right offer, I may sell slightly below value
Current offer- Many times they are simply comparable hats but worth slightly more than the unusual on sale. It is not uncommon for the current offer or c/o to actually be worth more than the buyout. Rarely, this list will include actual offers from others.
No unusuals please- Ha ha, now that I uncrated an unusual team captain, I can actually demand buds/cash. Or on lower tiered hats, its also known as "I dont actually want to see any offers".
Buyout price- Typically a random number generated by a friend with very little knowledge of actual unusual prices.
Promos are overrated- The individual has an unusual hat just attractive enough that others are willing to try to upgrade to but not so attractive that anyone actually wants to pay money for. (see circling hearts big chief)
Price check please- In the right setting and right timing, you can pick up an usual on the cheap. Or conversely, if you're feeling upset or playful, you can quote an absurdly high number. That'll teach "your friend" to charge you full price for their spare scout socks
BTW this is my favorite post. I'm asking a minimum of 2 replies. Insults will be reported!
i agree alot of people traded me for ahat said omg thats my dream hat, than 2 minutes later its up for sale on tf2outpost, so many people are full of shit in tf2 i swear
Oh god. The worst thing is when they trade you and tell you what they're selling, then when you ask them for their prices they tell you to offer. If I wanted to buy your crap I would've traded you; you fool.
a_tasty_serving_of actually posted something humorous and insightful.
Mark me impressed.
I wrote an article on the this exact subject on TF2 Price, and I agree 100%, either sell the damn thing or don't sell it, stop the "not sure if selling" or "my fav hat" rubbish.
Grow a set, make a firm decision, and stick with it.
When I sell a favs... for fair prices.. I just pick a new fav.![]()
Yes... I do not want your four unusuals for my one. You dont understand how it is easier to sell one than four? WTF?
You contacted me to buy your hat... I wasnt even shopping.![]()
Offer Offer? well? well? offer? waiting? I need to go to bed soon.. can you leave me your offer and Ill read it in the morning?![]()
... a shit stick and bloody tampon.. how is that for an offer? NO? But it's a good offer...![]()
steamID: reaper's unusuals4Sale
steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30954791