So I have fallout3 installed (I guess torrent will get you the game faster than paying for it, too), I'll post here tomorrow to tell you how it goes.
You might have to move this one to the flame bucket
So I have fallout3 installed (I guess torrent will get you the game faster than paying for it, too), I'll post here tomorrow to tell you how it goes.
You might have to move this one to the flame bucket
yeah im downloading it soon.
got Fable 2 today too. Still playing Saints Row 2, hardly touched LBP. L4D on the horizon, and still craving TF2.
i have time for NOTHING
consoles make me angry.
I got a 360 at first out of curiosity (never a big X-box fan), the thing red-ringed so I took it back and got the PS3 on opening day, and do you know what the only game I got before I gave up on it was? LAIR. I don't even know where my PS3 is. I have this wii, too, but nothing I have played was worth buying.
I need to make sure that these things are going to have good games before I buy them.
actually, there is that game where you are a tarantula and have to fight rattle snakes and shit, that looks like it will be better than anything else this year.
It wasn't fucking fallout, and it wasn't fucking fun.
Wait, so, you beat it in 3 hours and didn't like it?
yeah im confused where this went.
My bet would be a misleading title to the file he torrentededed.
It wasn't fallout 3 because it was W32/Fallout.gen.a (a made up computer virus) and it wasn't fun because it erased his porn.
well im playing fallout 3 (ralconns copy) on my 360 right now, good so far. very oblivion-esque
I downloaded the game, it installed fine (albiet taking hours to install) but the game isn't fallout.
here are some things that should have been considered before giving it the fallout name:
Fallout's intelligence effects your speach
Fallout doesn't have magical jackets that increase your first aid and doctor skill
Fallout doesn't have 15 body part options for VATS just to instantly kill them when you pick the right one.
Fallout doesn't require 35 headshots to take down random merchants.
Fallout isn't oblivion (ps. oblivion was only good because of the mods)
Fallout doesn't have level scaling
Fallout doesn't have a quest compass,
Fallout's karma is built up over time and shouldn't be instantly reversed by killing 5-6 people
Fallout's fast travel isn't teleportation
Fallout's writing isn't garbage
Fallout has memorable characters
fallout's Dialogue should go much further than:
Fallout's Quests had to do with your stats, thereby not forcing you to do the mission in the way that THEY wanted you to do it.
there are things in here that would be forgivable, like the quest compass and level scaling.
I will be giving it an unbiased look-over once I rip out my own heart...