It shows, although this was probably intentional.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
It shows, although this was probably intentional.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
they completely left it out of fallout 3. No more fun inane grunting when you don't pad your intelligence. GONE, DAMNIT!!!
What I meant was your grammar and spelling were poor. If you had done it on purpose, it would have been slightly clever.
There better be a mutant I can arm wrestle for a power fist as well as the option to kill children and gain the various titles, like Sexpert.
Ш ерштл ерфе афддщге икщлу ьн сщьзгеукб пгны
The overwhelming majority of the reviews of Fallout were highly positive. I'm sure I'll pick up Fallout 3 in a month or 2 after any potential patches are released. In the meantime, looks like I'm leaning towards L4D over COD 5.
Halo3 also got 5-stars, look how mediocre it turned out
thats because people think graphics and hype make the game
if its the wii, i just got starwars, force unleashed, it makes great use of the motion sensing, has an ass load of combos, decent game, the camera can be an ass though
and even force unleashed has some horribly unfinished parts.
Like that entire mission... DEFAULT TEXT
thank you for saying you purchased it for wii and not 360 or ps3. i can safely disregard all of your opinions.Originally Posted by Retribution