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Thread: Who's gonna play L4D?

  1. #41
    Versed's Avatar

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    Re: ill proly get crap too

    Quote Originally Posted by Asai
    The games like red alert and starcraft where the objecive is to collect (insert name here) and make stuff is boring after you have managed to play through the tech trees. Collect shit build stuff, collect shit build stuff, collect shit build stuff, see where i am going? The sinews of war are infinite money, give me a game that requires economic management to wage war. The Total war series was good to a degree, the Civ series was ok to just not enough economic detail. War is micromanagement and economics, to gloss over it with some "magic thing" that when collected is able to be what ever you need it to be just does not do it for me.
    I'm not saying people that play games like this are simple minded but I am saying that by taking it to the degree you've just described won't reach many people. There's a reason the military has the acronym "K.I.S.S." Keep it simple stupid...

    Quote Originally Posted by Asai
    Slick graphics and fancy marketing do not make a game, just someone money.
    Think you just answered the question about why the economics in the games is so simple :P

  2. #42
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    lets talk about l4d some more, ra3 sucks

  3. #43
    Versed's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    lets talk about l4d some more, ra3 sucks
    I love how it's going to be FF all the time and dumb asses lose points for hitting team mates =0

  4. #44
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    ff appears to be something like 0.1 dmg ratio

    also is it me or the players have something like 1k HP

    seriously they just wont die.

  5. #45
    Versed's Avatar

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    Did the demo release already?

    Edit: Found the gameplay videos on youtube, didn't know there were any yet. November 8th for the demo to release.

  6. #46
    Asai's Avatar

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    resource gathering games

    I f i appeared snobbish in my last post i do aplologize as that was not my intent, i was writing a letter to the editor of the local fish wrapper and may have let some of the invective leak over. I am all better now listening to Phish . I used to play those types of games and still as a matter of fact own Command and Conquer, Red Alert, Warcraft 2, Sins of a Solar Empire, and looked at Tiberian Sun, i was really trying to make my point that games like that are simpler (no offense) and working through the tech tree is the high point.

    K.I.S.S. is a good acronym but the plain truth is that to keep one soldier in a foxhole requires the support of at minimum 5 people. For me the devil is in the details, and will concede that i am probably a small portion of the gamer market. The details of economics is the deciding factor in all sucessful military campaigns. Money keeps the military juggernaut rolling and when the money dries up there is no war. Keeping the money flowing is paramount, whether it is replacing destroyed equipment or just paying the men in uniform money is the key. Most games gloss over that point because most folks do not want to delve into the details and micromanage the economics. Some games give you a taste, but in trying to appeal to the broadest customer base stop at some point. Too much can ruin a game and not enough makes it arcade.


  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    ra3 sucks

  8. #48
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    this thread sucks, i quit

  9. #49
    Versed's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    this thread sucks, i quit
    no one likes you, go away.

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