they are all an idiot
they are all an idiot
Silly me. I forgot Red Alert 3 just came out to. Now do I want to pay $50 for L4D or Red Alert 3? Still leaning towards L4D since once I finish RA3, I'll be bored but I'll have to wait to save up enough to buy another vid game. COD 5 is also a contender since it will only be $50. Fallout 3 however, being $60 is overpriced and not in the running.
pssshhhhh just buy them all
semi-HQ opening Cinematic.
I'll be buying RA3.
I will buy RA3, West wood won't shit all over my memories of their other games.
The games like red alert and starcraft where the objecive is to collect (insert name here) and make stuff is boring after you have managed to play through the tech trees. Collect shit build stuff, collect shit build stuff, collect shit build stuff, see where i am going? The sinews of war are infinite money, give me a game that requires economic management to wage war. The Total war series was good to a degree, the Civ series was ok to just not enough economic detail. War is micromanagement and economics, to gloss over it with some "magic thing" that when collected is able to be what ever you need it to be just does not do it for me. Slick graphics and fancy marketing do not make a game, just someone money.
I'm actually inclined to agree with you Asai. When I played Command and Conquer 3 last year, I felt it was a bit of a grind towards the end. Then I realised what I enjoyed seeing were all the B list actors in the videos.(Joseph Kucan, who plays Kane, hasn't aged since the series started 15 years ago which is a bit, uh, unnerving.)Anyways, RA3 has Tim Curry in it as well as the half dressed models who play as the commandos. If you take it for tongue-in-cheek humor(only), you'll probably like it.