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black ops was better than mw3 and BF3 is better than all CODs.
Originally Posted by SnorlaxTheAtlantian
The game had the balance of a twig, all you needed was the famas and you would be set.
Also, the hitbox was crap, you would see a guy, but have to shoot the right of him to get a headshot..
CoD went downhill after the United Offense. You can only re-hash something so many times, and it was already basically a re-hash of the 970 other WW2 shooters out in 2003.
Indeed. Next Call of Duty Title?Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
Call of Duty: We Ran Out of Wars So Just Run Around Shooting Shit.
Plenty of wars left.Originally Posted by Stagi3rFall
Nerf war
Storage wars
Star wars
And my most anticipated cod wartime shooter:
Tek war
Best, Comment, Ever.Originally Posted by TheDopp
please no. people should just not buy the cod games. games are released every year, and cost £40 (£60 by next year probs) and are exactly the same! there are a few minor differences between mw2 and mw3, like survival, harder spec ops, new campaign, etc. but nothing special. black ops was shit apart from the dolphin dive, i loved diving out the windows on nuketown spamming duel pistols (hot fuzz pub shooting scene anyone?)
please no. no more cod games
How bout Call of Duty Ultimate? Every single gun in history and current. 6000 different camo options, you can have penises as emblems so you can pretend to use it as a joke, and teabagging gives you 1000 points and killing gives you 12 points? It will be 300 gb, and require a pc with the processing power of a pentium 4 processor and a graphics requirment the same as a Macbook Air. That way, with CoD Ultimate out, it will be done.Originally Posted by darkness-07