yet another for the collection
yet another for the collection
i mirin'
You got a realistic looking but still a plastic toy gun?
nah, that's just walther being tacticool.Originally Posted by Rostov
Actually it could be plastic, I can never tell with them.
wait so polymer frames are now tacticool?
No, but having the entire design over-engineered to the point of superfluity is.
Not saying it's a bad thing, I just don't see the point in gaudy deco all over an every day carry piece.
the basic design is close to 20 years old. i think you're being a little retarded over a stippling change and front slide serrations
all that "gaudy deco" serves a legitimate purpose which makes it BETTER for carrying around and isnt just there for funsies
So Womb, does that gun fit in your purse then?