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Thread: description of American politics

  1. #11
    Rostov's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    Quote Originally Posted by Rostov
    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    fining people for not voting? How is that democracy?

    than again, they do pay tens of thousands of dollars for computers...
    Not being Australian, I don't understand their reasoning myself. However, in the old Soviet Union, consistently refusing to vote(!) in their elections resulted in imprisonment.
    in soviet union, government fines YOU.


    but no seriously, democracies are a failure. need proof? go to wallmart and people watch. some of those people shouldnt be allowed out of their house, let alone into a voting booth where their opinions are equal to that of much more informed and educated persons. and i don't know about you, but i don't want "joe sixpack" to decide who should lead the government, because "joe sixpack" doesn't know shit about shit.
    Interestingly, in John Stuart's Mill On Liberty, I think there was a section in there about how a person's socio-economic 'rank' in life determined how many votes that person received. A person could receive anywhere from 1 to 7 votes. So a hobo would receive but 1 vote whereas a CEO of a major corporation or high powered lawyer would receive 7 votes. The middle class would receive of course, 3 or 4 votes each.

    This idea I think was floated around in the mid 1800s. Darn, it's been many years since I read that book. Anyways, this electoral system was suggested because their was a real fear from those in power that the masses would vote for some 'anarchic' party(misnomer but anyways....)
    So this staggered voting system was meant to balance the sheer numbers of the masses. As it is, life didn't turn out that way.

    hmmmm, got to see if I have still have that book buried somewhere in my library shelves.

  2. #12
    Asai's Avatar

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    Folks i did not post the joke to start adiatribe about politics or even to claim that America has a monoploy on election bullshit. How can you tell a politician is lying.......... Thier lips are moving that is a universal truism no matter what nation you are from. America is not a true democracy, pure democracy can be summed up in 2 words, mob rule, where 51% tell 49% what to do. America is a Constitutal Republic and democratic principles is how we select leaders, unless you are Bush then you whine to the supreme court. Interesting side note the 2000 election in Florida was decided by less than 500 votes. The course of the nation and our course in the world was decided by less that 500 people. Another universal truism "Democracy is the worst form of government that has ever been tried, except for all the others". I think people do not realize that with rights comes responsibilities, and in America we pride ourselves on the checks and balances built into our system by some VERY bright individuals. These very same individuals being brighter than most of us regular dim bulbs apparently figured that labeling the voter the fourth check and balance may have been a bit redundant? It is not a matter for me who you vote for, read everything not just the stuff that you agree with from approved sources. Read all you can find, vet your sources, but for fucks sake vote. It is your responsibility,duty and your right to question, call to task and decide. There is alot riding on this election in America, this may sound a bit extreme but the choices you make in 2 weeks will decide the course of our nation and for that matter the course of the world. I am of the older generation it is only my world for a little longer, the younger generation will have to be responsible for themselves soon. The major question you need to ask and answer is, What kind of world do you want to inherit?
    This is directed not just at Americans but to all in our sourceop international community.


  3. #13
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    That is why I approve the voter turnout. The amount of people who vote is approximately the amount of people who know about politics and give enough of a shit. People who don't know generally don't vote.
    i think those people are very susceptible to despicable, anti-patriotic, fear-mongering acts regularly begin paraded as "common fair," in our current political situation.

    that is very interesting! honestly, i think a system of education is the fundamental to the proper selection of government heads. what i mean is, in an ideal government you would earn your right to vote, and also have the right to have the means to educate yourself and prepare yourself to earn your right to vote.

    im talking, if you would like to vote, Government Military or Civil service (postal, fire, education, health care, law enforcement) of at least 2 years starting at the entry level (for all persons.) There would also be exams of comprehension about any given party platform, specific law, policies and statistical figures of statesmen, etc.

    The government would ideally give a person all the time needed to study for these tests, with work paid vacation to cover the time, as well as study materials (most efficiently in the form of digital software distribution as well as the hardware to support it.) Audits on those applying for particularly long times would stay off corruption.

    the content of the exams would vary depending on the subject, and ideally would be written by reputable scientists, mathematicians, psycists, sociologists, and other masters of their fields, sworn to to remain unpartisan and held accountable for doing so.

    wow, what a tangent, eh? utopia! utopia! haha

    and asai, im sorry bro, i want to read that WoT but i just can't. maybe someone could add some returns?

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