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Thread: SourceOP Ideas :)=

  1. #1
    Freakgood's Avatar

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    SourceOP Ideas :)=

    Man o man first im gonna say Great job on this drunken_F001

    ok lets start with the ideas

    1.Remove using buy in console and use it in chat instead like

    !buy god
    !buy ammo
    !buy gun
    !buy allguns

    2 Noblock,, enable so people can trigger noblock by typing something like !noblock and then they would have noblock 4 like 3-4 sec
    or a noblock that is always on when it comes 2 player vs player colision

    3 .input more fun stuff 2 buy?

    + Health (upgrades your health by buying more health like u start with 100 hp then u buy the first slot of extra health witch gives u 110 or something like that and u can upgrade this 2 like 400 health)

    + Ammo increase same as the + health but with ammo on 1 weapon example ...(pulse rifle in hl2dm that has 30 shots in the gun and 60 in ammo slot or what ever u wanna call it) and the + ammo would upgrade the store ammo

    4:Trail... gives u a trail for a player based on how muth credit they have(Noobs doesnt have trail:P)

    5. HUD screen..maybe input a new hud screen on health and ammo and time?

    6 Show Hp.... shows the Hp on any living npc/human?

    also add cvars 2 disable these 4 people that dont want them or dont need them...?

    Hope u can atleast think of doing 1 of these Smile would be awsome!

  2. #2
    Freakgood's Avatar

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    Re: SourceOP Ideas :)=

    Quote Originally Posted by Freakgood
    Man o man first im gonna say Great job on this drunken_F001

    ok lets start with the ideas

    1.Remove using buy in console and use it in chat instead like

    !buy god
    !buy ammo
    !buy gun
    !buy allguns

    2 Noblock,, enable so people can trigger noblock by typing something like !noblock and then they would have noblock 4 like 3-4 sec
    or a noblock that is always on when it comes 2 player vs player colision

    3 .input more fun stuff 2 buy?

    + Health (upgrades your health by buying more health like u start with 100 hp then u buy the first slot of extra health witch gives u 110 or something like that and u can upgrade this 2 like 400 health)

    + Ammo increase same as the + health but with ammo on 1 weapon example ...(pulse rifle in hl2dm that has 30 shots in the gun and 60 in ammo slot or what ever u wanna call it) and the + ammo would upgrade the store ammo

    4:Trail... gives u a trail for a player based on how muth credit they have(Noobs doesnt have trail:P)

    5. HUD screen..maybe input a new hud screen on health and ammo and time?

    6 Show Hp.... shows the Hp on any living npc/human?

    also add cvars 2 disable these 4 people that dont want them or dont need them...?

    Hope u can atleast think of doing 1 of these Smile would be awsome!
    7 slowmotion feature.. should work like when u get enogh frags lets say 100 for regular human vs human action slowmotion triggers ... and when its a coop server with like humans vs npc then 1000 frags will trigger the slowmotion?

    8. Black hole device.. add a device that creates a black hole 2 clear a area from enemys... "should be very costly" buying..

    9. Hammer of dawn.. Beacon that shoots a lazor with alot of damage on a spot where u aim at..

    10. Rule display.. make option so u can show the server rules on the server while people play on it..

    11. Fix npc problems on hl2dm coop .. like spawning npc_fast_zombie,npc_hunter and so on..

    12. changing the game description .. so u can make it any name u want example hl2dm has 2 modes either Death match or Team Deathmatch

    13. Admin radio... admin radio that can only be destroyd buy the person that created the admin radio ( admin radio doesnt get effected when u disable the radio)

    14. fixing the Snark npc .. its a awsome npc but the animation is messd up

  3. #3
    Freakgood's Avatar

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    Teleport = able to teleport to a another player with noblock on 4 about 5 sec then it will turn off this will cost points...

    creating save points per map = so simple put enable so people can create teleport saves.. and it should cost around 20-40 points but u can teleport there how many times u want and remove it,after round is over then the save point will be removed/reset...

    Music = so like radio but u can pick what files u want to DL and play.. and the files/music will only play for the person that plays it ..example is the source mods sm_play "random name" "quake/random.mp3"

    OR a real radio... so u can lissin from radio stations from us/other country

    Models = so... like many plugins are .. players are able to play as a diffrent model

  4. #4
    YoungSinatra's Avatar

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    These are some good ideas!

  5. #5
    YoungSinatra's Avatar

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    it would be sick if there was like an automatic bot middle man for spycrabs and shit in trade servers!

  6. #6
    Freakgood's Avatar

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    Yeah hopefully 1 thing from this will spark an idea for the mod autor :P

  7. #7
    arasuki's Avatar

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    Sound pretty good.excerpt the black hole.a little concerned about that XD

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