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Except, once you get into it the game doesn't feel generic at all. There are enough differences in the classes that they don't really feel the same. There are some similarities but the classes in general are VERY different. For example, couple days ago I rolled a jedi sentinel fully expecting a very generic warrior. What I got however felt VERY different from a warrior, there is still a "rage" meter of sorts, and you still need to spam a minor attack to get your stronger abilities, but the abilities themselves are well designed and feel like they have real weight to them. Overall the abilities are what make the game fun, they are designed well enough that they are very satisfying to execute.
I've played the game for awhile now and I feel confident in saying that it's at least worth a try if you want to play an mmo. If you are cautious you could always wait for a trial to come out once the game is a bit more polished and the price has gone down.
I was a commando you know.