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Thread: Fun

  1. #21
    Rostov's Avatar

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    Fun for me in TF2 is when I die to simply click on random respawn. Not knowing what I'm next makes it for an interesting challenge. Example, I
    <HATE> being and playing as spies. But if I spawn as one, I sigh and do it. I don't like playing as demoman. Once every few rounds, I'll do very well with it and get that warm fuzzy feeling. (kinda like Wieks)

  2. #22
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by -LMA-
    Fun in TF2 to me is when i uber someone who didn't ask for it and the person takes out 2 sentry's and 6 other players and we both still make it out alive. Good runs like that are such a rush because you don't know the outcome.

    Also enjoy when playing sniper and getting some amazing hs's as i'm not that good at sniping.
    fun for me is successful uber-saw raids. I have gone into orange and gotten 3-4 consecutive uber charges and completely changed the balance of the map.

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