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  1. #1
    innovacious's Avatar

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    I was just wandering what eveyones idea of fun is? It seems in this day and age its different from what it should be. In most games people seem to think you have to win to have fun and they get angry when they dont win.

    I dont get it. Sure, if i win i get a breif sense of accomplishment but it dosnt add anything to the fun. I can even get a terrible kill/death ratio and still have fun. The fun is in playing that game, not the end outcome.

    In TF2 for example, ill run around the corner with the axtinguisher and start beating a heavy who is not on fire. There about a 99% chance it wont work and it wont bring us any close to winning but its bloody good fun!

  2. #2
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    Camping in intel room with DF
    Hearing Ballz laugh his ass off on his microphone
    Killing blutsaugher users with crit needles
    Beating to death pyros with the fireaxe
    Getting quick headshots like the pros, despite my horrible aim
    KK'ing people

  3. #3
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    Re: Fun

    Quote Originally Posted by innovacious
    I was just wandering what eveyones idea of fun is? It seems in this day and age its different from what it should be. In most games people seem to think you have to win to have fun and they get angry when they dont win.

    I dont get it. Sure, if i win i get a breif sense of accomplishment but it dosnt add anything to the fun. I can even get a terrible kill/death ratio and still have fun. The fun is in playing that game, not the end outcome.

    In TF2 for example, ill run around the corner with the axtinguisher and start beating a heavy who is not on fire. There about a 99% chance it wont work and it wont bring us any close to winning but its bloody good fun!
    please stay off of my team
    im here to win.

  4. #4
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Re: Fun

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    please stay off of my team
    im here to win.
    you are the type of pretentious hyper-competitive asshole that this game was made to prevent.

    what part of TF2 suggests that competition should be placed above fun?

    I have fun grieving people like Zeitgeist. Like if he ubers me I pull out my sandvich and mow down until he gets his ass killed.

    Or if i am the medic I will get an uber ready, tell him to charge and then ditch him when he runs into the line of fire.

    Or if I'm engi I'll build a teleporter behind his sentry that leads far away far away from it.

    It is really fun because they take themselves too seriously and are psychologically inclined to be pissed off when they die in a video game.

  5. #5
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    this isnt the flame bucket, stop being a douche

    competition isn't fighting fun, competition IS fun.
    go play single player, my newbie friend.

    edit: spelling! yay!

  6. #6
    avy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    this isnt the flame bucket, stop being a douche

    compilation isn't fighting fun, competition IS fun.
    go play single player, my newbie friend.
    You're bringing this on yourself... stop encouraging him, stop acknowledging his comments, stop beating a dead horse.

    You both have a difference of opinion but this childish name calling and unnecessary harassment reflects poorly on this board and community as a whole.

  7. #7
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by avy
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    this isnt the flame bucket, stop being a douche

    compilation isn't fighting fun, competition IS fun.
    go play single player, my newbie friend.
    You're bringing this on yourself... stop encouraging him, stop acknowledging his comments, stop beating a dead horse.

    You both have a difference of opinion but this childish name calling and unnecessary harassment reflects poorly on this board and community as a whole.
    see, now you're being a douche.


  8. #8
    avy's Avatar

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    I'm the one being a douche? Seriously?

    SourceOP is serious business, DF is developing an admin tool to control various source engine games. He values our opinions, provides a place for us to play, a place to communicate and a lot of smaller things that go unnoticed.

    This board was designed for the dual purpose of providing a place to just chat about the small things but to also get ideas, input, advice, criticism and opinions on his plugin. I've only seen a few comments by you that were not loaded, or begging for someone to flame you for.

    You especially are deteriorating this board into a flame fest. I gave constructive advice, and while I know you don't have to listen to it, you immediately did the immature (but expected) thing and went to name calling and sarcasm. This is a forum, and while the common courtesy and etiquette of the internet as a whole is on par with a 2nd grader, this PARTICULAR forum is designed for more mature gamers looking for a well moderated and idiot-free discussion.

    I gave you advice, simple as that. I did not insult you as you felt was necessary in return. All I was asking was for you to be the bigger man and stop taking Omega's bait. I honestly don't care what names you call me, I've heard it all before... \0= I would just like for this board to go back to funny screenshots, Omega ranting about a subpar game and DF coming up with unique ideas for SourceOP.

  9. #9
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    yah, you're right, im the board plague.


  10. #10
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    Duplex and you definitely are.

    Name me one thing you've contributed that made some users happy about it.

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