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Thread: TF2 bandwith Per hour?

  1. #1
    Big_Chief's Avatar

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    TF2 bandwith Per hour?

    Any one know how much bandwidth TF2 sucks up in about a hours time? Just playing not downloading maps or anything.

    Since Comcast is dropping the hammer and setting the 250gb limit I want to see how much I actually suck up here and TF2 is probably the biggest thing I have to worry about. They are saying that only about 1% of their customer base (some 14.1 million users) will be affected by this. People have also reported getting letters from comcast telling them to dial back their usage or be shut off. I have not received any such letters so I am pretty sure I am in the clear. However I figure it's better to be safe than sorry.

    Other than watching a football game every week or a tv show once in a wile I really don't do major surfing that sucks up the bandwidth. (although I guess now would be a good time to stop running that adult website out of the back of my van eh? )

    We have 3 computers that use the line so getting a program to monitor bandwidth usage is almost pointless. I am pretty much the biggest user on the line so I figure as long as I use less than 1/2 of the 250gb we are alright.

  2. #2
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    its not going to be a problem unless you are download shit loads of shit. TF2's bandwidth is quite negligible, (depending on your maxrate it is about 55megs/hour.)

  3. #3
    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    I have three servers on one box totalling 94 players. It uses 2.5TB of bandwidth each month. This averages 27GB per month per player when constantly full. You probably play only a few hours per day (let's say 4hrs). This means 4.5GB per month for TF2.

    I don't think it will be a problem.

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    I wish there was a way to check your BW usage period. I haven't heard of a program that does such but I would definitely need something like this as I believe any and all ISP's will no longer be "unlimited" after comcast's stunt. I know that TF2 downloads at a rate of play at 10kbs and uploads at 2kbs so a total of 12kbs of bw usage at times of play. It shouldn't that much BW usage for me but u never know. I just know I don't want to go over 200GB a month so I don't have to get anything in the mail saying stop the usage or be cutoff!

    We have 4 computers in the house and I'm sure I use the most BW from playing TF2 alot as well as downloading Rapidshare links with my premium account. Plus my lil brother plays Day of Defeat Source like all day and night so I hope nothing happens anytime soon to me

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    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    I use DU Meter on the servers, but it's a per-computer thing.

  6. #6
    Tunapiano's Avatar

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    ya i heard about that shit comcast is doing, thats ridiculous. thank god i have a regional ISP that doesn't care and not one of the bigger ones like time warner or comcast.

  7. #7
    Big_Chief's Avatar

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    Well 12kbs for 100 hours of play a month= 4.32 gigs
    x2 for you and your brother and your looking at maybe 10gigs a month for tf2 and dod.

    that leaves you about 190gigs for random surfing, downloading, porn, more porn, and most of all PORN.

    DF you got a link to that DU meter?

    At the very least I can watch my bandwidth.

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    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    from what i understand, US companies are the only ISPs still allowing "unlimited" bw usage by users

    but unless you're torrenting multiple seasons of HD shows you should be fine. but if you're torrenting on comcast, bw usage is prolly the least of your worries, anyway

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    comcast is instating a 250 gig bandwidth limit, I've been torrenting on their service since 2002. You just have to not be a retard.

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