While playing on a GamersUN server last night a lad was saying all kinds of sexually explicit things around a couple of very young children that were speaking on the Server. When asked to stop, he did BUT 2 other lads absolutely made asses of themselves Dark Vengance (written in strange font) and [SSG] Super_1337_Boy. Dark Vengance carried on like a pedophile while [SSG] Super_1137_Boy who was formerally a freind of mine decided to tell everyone how many children i have and that he would rape my less than 2yr old daughter! These people have been reported to Steam, Admins and GamersUN aswell. I considered running the lads i.p and finding out his address but im trying hard not to. I ahve done this before and rang the person whom ripped me, well there father (you know who you are) If you play with fire people please expect to get burnt. Have some discretion!