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Thread: I've become so popular on SourceOP

  1. #71
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    I personally think that Duplex is a cool dude but It's not about what I think, it's about what the server overall thinks because I know that if I was on a team and some dude was shit talking to other players or just doing something like that that would concern me (and be known to me as annoying) I would get kinda pissed that everytime that person came on I had to stop what I'm doing instantly in game (probably get myself killed) to mute him/her. That would be annoying after a while and plus I want to be able to work with everyone on my team through voicechat if need be and get a response back without bitching/rambling etc.

    So I can understand from people's point of view but I honestly don't think Duplex isn't as bad as some people make him out to be because if anything I've not seen too many people on SourceOP work as well as him in getting the team to do their part. I think it's mainly when things don't go right that they don't want to hear what else Duplex might have to say because he says it on the mic but in reality we're all off the mic like "What the fu(k we lost???"

  2. #72
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    he can stay far the fuck away from my servers.

  3. #73
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Chief
    So why... WHY in all our wisdom do we keep bringing the subject up?
    Jesus Chief, I honestly expected you to have a more logical approach to all of this, considering you're from Uprising. You ask why this subject is continuously brought up. My question to you is why do you even bother to participate? Just because you don't want to talk about it doesn't mean everyone feels the same way. You shouldn't force your views on others, that's just not cool. If you are tired of seeing this, then quit clicking on the damn thread. Does that make any sense at all?

    And I'm glad Chief knows how to use to find definitions. I just only wish it could proof read your responses before posting...

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Chief
    I can shoot down this whole post by posting a like to the dictionary page of popular
    Furthermore, you can't honestly say that entire server knows what they are voting for let alone who they are voting against. Most of the time a player will accidentally make a selection he/she did not intend to make. So I fail to see the point you are trying to make when you bring up that incident.

    Hell-met and Omega make me lulz, straight up - they are like dumb and dumber .

  4. #74
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    Ehh, one type-o. Considering the fact that I am a horrible speller and my grammar usage is.. well bad to say the least. I think that the one type-o is very minor.

    I have this problem you see. When someone is wrong or lying and I know it. I have this urge to correct them and help them see. Even if it means to beat the day-lights out of them until they submit. I am just trying to show you what every one else sees. You think you are popular and loved and every one is like YEAHHH DUPLEX IS HERE! but they are more like Ughh Duplex is here please don't join my team. And then on map change a great number of people pick the other team than you just so they don't have to bother muting you. That's what I see every time you come on. And that is what I see every time the map changes.

    Now maybe you just don't want to accept that but that's the way it is. With that said I am going to be a people-pleaser just for you and not post in this topic any more... just for you. Call it an early christmas gift.

  5. #75
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Chief
    You think you are popular and loved and every one is like YEAHHH DUPLEX IS HERE! but they are more like Ughh Duplex is here please don't join my team.
    Chief, this is completely untrue. Not once did I make that comment here on the forums or even in the server for that matter.

    Actually, if you read my original post at the beginning...

    Quote Originally Posted by Half-Duplex
    Whether someone is bad mouthing me or giving praise to my name. The fact of the matter is, you can't say "Half-Duplex`" without getting some sort of reaction from somebody. Its as if I've become some sort of celebrity.
    No where in that paragraph, or in any post on this thread do I even HINT that everyone leaps for joy when I join.

    Chief, I know some people dislike me. I know some people hate being on my team. I know other players PURPOSELY join the other team to avoid listening to me over the microphone. Trust me when I say this, I see everything you see and then some. Because what you fail to notice are the players who actually enjoy my presence, the ones who PURPOSELY join the same team I am on, excluding LMA and the rest of the INMF crew.

    Look, I know you like proving people wrong...especially when they are. I'm the exact same way. But that doesn't mean, nor does it give you the right to put words into my mouth, and then say I'm in the wrong based on something I never said. Do you see where I'm coming from here? Its not like I don't want to accept the truth. But what you're saying just isn't the entire truth, just part of it.

    And for the record, you're not doing me any favors by not posting here. Whether you post or not, it makes no difference to me. I was just trying to offer you a simple solution because it seemed like you were fed up with reading/posting in this thread. I welcome anything someone has to say about me...I enjoy reading it.

  6. #76
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    assume the fact that there are more players who dislike you than there are who appreciate your presence.

    futhermore, foad.

  7. #77
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    yeah you guys are right, 6 pages. you clearly don't care at all!

  8. #78
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    he asked for it with his witty thread title

  9. #79
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    he asked for it with his witty thread title
    Did I really ask? Because the thread title wasn't a question. It was a statement...

    He shoots, he scores

  10. #80
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    The only thing remotely referencing to a sport in here is a pack of regulars hunting you down.

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