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Thread: I've become so popular on SourceOP

  1. #11
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    I'm one of the best too because I said it.

    There you go, I win.

    Oh yeah, and better than you.

  2. #12
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Still responding to my thread?

    And you claim to not want anything to do with me. You're off to a good start Hell-met.

    Very good start...

    I think you enjoy my presence

  3. #13
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    Oh yes I do, because I'm better than you.

    Infact I'm spamming F5 to tell the world how awesome I am and how loved I am.

    Baww, no more for tonight?

    See you tomorrow, and mind the door, you may get stuck in it.

  4. #14
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    Oh yes I do, because I'm better than you.

    Infact I'm spamming F5 to tell the world how awesome I am and how loved I am.

    Baww, no more for tonight?

    See you tomorrow, and mind the door, you may get stuck in it.
    Oh...ouch, you got me there Hell-met. Good show.
    Tell me, do you feel better about yourself?
    Does that make you fee like a bigger person?

    I think coming on here and responding to my post and down-talking me feeds your ego just as much as it does mine by having someone like you actually give me the attention that I'm supposedly in search for...

  5. #15
    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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  6. #16
    SergeantBalls's Avatar

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    Alright, enough of who's better, or who's that damn good, we all know who's the best around here alright?

    With that aside, Duplex, honestly, what's with this thread to tell people your feeling's on this situation? Oh sure it'll annoy you, but cmon man, over a VIDEO GAME? Please. Let people hate, and all you need to do is kill them.

    And here's my honest opinion on ya, your a cool guy (sometimes). Sure I understand you wanna take thing's seriously and you play better with a medic, sure sure that's all fine and dandy. But when you start bitching at people for no reason. Like take one morning of hydro when i was on, i remember worm asking me to put a building on the point, and I had it built already, with me not even saying a word to you, you yell, "Then fucking move it you faggot!!" That's why people say some thing's behind your back, it leave's a bad taste in people's mouth's, and some people refuse to play with you, which is just my opinion.

    And you go to far sometime's with the mic spamming. To be honest I'd rather listen to nummy singing then you GO "D-D-D-DUPLEX" every 5 sec's. IT GETS ANNOYING. Sure you do it out fun, but when you do it repeatedly and disrupt people's games, then you've gone to far.

    All in All, you're a good guy, good player, but when people start to say, STFU, then that means you've done to much.

  7. #17
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    What is this, a competition of how important we think we are?

    PS: DDDDDDDDDDDUPLEX is gay. Why don't you just yell "WASn't THAT KILL FAAAAAABBBUUULOUUUUS!?!!" with a giant ass lisp?

  8. #18
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    Like I said before, I will not tolerate this sort of abuse on my internet.

    He needs some motherfucking HOW TO LIVE 101 lessons.

    I will spare the rest for now since previewing my post completely deleted all the text.

  9. #19
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantBalls
    With that aside, Duplex, honestly, what's with this thread to tell people your feeling's on this situation?
    I found it quite humorous that even when I'm not playing, people on the server still talk about me. As I stated in my original post, be it good or be it bad, the fact of the matter is I'm still the heat of the conversation, and this amuses me. It amuses me because people like Hell-met and Omega deem it necessary to bash me with name slander in hopes that I'll eventually run away crying, never to return again. Ha, like I'll let some people over the internet affect me personally. The reason for this thread you ask? Well, it is the flame bucket...I personally felt that if I wanted to express my thoughts, views, feelings, etc, that this section would be more than suitable to do so. I mean it is the flame bucket...right?

    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantBalls
    Oh sure it'll annoy you, but cmon man, over a VIDEO GAME? Please. Let people hate, and all you need to do is kill them.
    Annoyed? This is hardly the case Balls, I never said I was annoyed, irritated or upset. It is very rare that I'll ever get agitated, despite my frequent lash outs against the incompetent players on my team. Truth is Balls, I'm having fun. When I'm playing, I'm playing with a smile. Most of you like to think I'm die hard serious...please. Its just a game, lets be real here. What I find funny, is that the lot of you who preach about it being just a game over the net, take it more seriously, and get more offended than I do. Surely you should notice it too Balls?

    I can really care less if I'm liked to disliked on this server. It makes do difference to really doesn't. But what intrigues me is the amount of energy and attention other players actually spend on me. I get a thrill out of the impact I have, when the simple......SIMPLE solution is to just mute me.

    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantBalls
    And you go to far sometime's with the mic spamming. To be honest I'd rather listen to nummy singing then you GO "D-D-D-DUPLEX" every 5 sec's.
    I wouldn't call it mic spamming however. Mic spamming is when what you're saying/streaming over the microphone does not pertain to the game or the conversation at hand. And then rejoining the server after getting gagged to continue the spam until a ban is placed. How often do you hear me boast about something that isn't TF2 related? Now I could see how spamming Tatu while I sit in spawn and spin in circles could be considered mic spamming, but I don't do that. But by your logic, and the logic of many more, you guys probably get annoyed with spokesmen when you're watching the football game (or any sort of sport for that matter). But if you'd rather listen to Nummy than me, thats EXACTLY what the mute option was created for. But instead we have admins that feel it necessary to assume that everyone on the server, even the opposing team who cannot hear me does not want to listen to me. But oh ho - that's another can of worms that I'll save for another day.

    All in all, some people can tolerate what I have to say over the microphone. I haven't heard many complaints from people such as Enforcer, Wormlord, LMA, Spork, Crowbar, Nummy, and MrCrow to just name a few. All regulars on the server who've either never had a problem with me over the microphone, or simply muted me and continued playing whenever I've done "too much".

    Now granted, I know sometimes I will call out an individual and say something that may be uncalled for. Everyone does it at least once. But even then, I'll only mention it maybe once or twice. After which the only thing you'll ever really hear me say is generalized. "Well when we have stupid-ass engies on our team that can't build to save their lives...". Most of the times those statements are directed to people who are actually listening. RALCONN or LMA would make a perfect example, half the shit you hear me go on about I'm directing it towards them, even though its about the team in general. But then you have players like Hell-met who feel its their duty to interject, and thats where the problem begins. Think about it, Balls. Its not my fault people get offended, I can't help that. Again I'm not holding a gun to their head and forcing them to listen.

    But what I find funny, is that despite all of this commotion, as of late I've "calmed it down". You can ask around that I'm not as bad as I once was. And yet whenever I join the server, its not long before someone tries to provoke me. And try as they must, they fail each time. Because for one, I rarely read the chat, and anyone that tries to get me worked up over the microphone - I mute, and go about my business. But even when I'm not playing, even when I'm not "trash talking", there's always someone who initiates it. And that's what started this can one not find that funny? I find it hilarious at how ass-backwards it is.

    Even as I'm typing this out, I'm doubled over with laughter :P :P

  10. #20
    SilverFox's Avatar

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    blah blah blah words.

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