Aug 20, 2005, 03:20 AM
Weapon Ideas
tv guided rocket - I know that this probably won't happen beacuse people would sit on a rocket respawn area far away and just launch away. But, I have always enjoyed the devastators in Perfect Dark <--great game and it would be cool to have with a limit of like 3 per life or something = |.
tornado bomb - Again another perfect dark weapon. The n-bomb except maby it could be a small tornado thing that moved the direction the head of the bomb was facing at detonation. It would hurt ppl as well as throw objects and players around.
sniper rifle -Pretty sure this has been suggested...A sniper rifle or a crossbow whose shot hit instantly; that way 2fort would be more like tfc 2fort = ).\
OICW ... Wasn't this gun origonally scheduled to be in half life 2 , but it never made it. It has two fire modes. Primary fire would be like a normal but very accurate and fast machinegun; Secondary fire would be explosive proximity shells that don't have much arc. (they arn't nades just actual explosive rounds).
BlunderBust- Maby it is called something different. It is an old gun that captains of ships use to carry. It fires like six shots at once but then you have to reload... so much like shotgun except it would take a lot longer to reload and you would have to do so after every shot. To compensate for the long reload time, the damage could be higher than the shotgun's damage.
Killer Boomerang- like the one that was in the N64 turok 2 it was called the razorwind= ) maby it could chop players corpses like a zombie.
mortar - kind of like being able to call airstirkes from anywhere. You would have to deploy it before being able to use it and while you are using it you are vunerable.
nuke- not really a weapon but what happened to the good ole adminOP nuke that qua pla used everytime he left the server.
Mines - I dont mean trip mines actual mines that would be pretty descrete. If you had to you could just turn those SLAMS into mines by taking away remote detonation and adding proximity.
SAW- How bout a nice big .50 caliber machine gun with a bipod that you could depoly.
Well anyways those are a few... random ideas post comments to these and/or other weapon ideas