Sep 18, 2008, 05:53 AM
A soldiers crit rocket does 270 damage. A crit round from the pipe gun is 295 damage. The stickey is somewhere around 336-353.
Normal rounds.
I think there is plenty of room to be nerfed here. Think about it you get 2x as many rounds in a clip as the pipes, you get the ability to charge and shoot them further, plus you can detonate them when you want not on impact or in what 5 seconds? Stickies are suppose to be the secondary weapon, so why is it its better than your main weapon on all fronts?
They could nerf the stickies and do a small buff to the pipes.
Add a key in so that when you press it with the pipe launcher out it selects det on impact or time delay. Have it so that if you det on impact if you hit a wall they will explode. time dely would act as they do now, det on impact of players and if they miss they det in 5 seconds or what ever the time delay is right now.