A few others I have done for myself and other people:
Most of them are older, ones I haven't deleted off my photobucket account, the rest are all backed up somewhere on a cd
A few others I have done for myself and other people:
Most of them are older, ones I haven't deleted off my photobucket account, the rest are all backed up somewhere on a cd
I wouldn't mind anything related to the Lambda logo.
I love both science and HL2, so yay!
Well the Lambda logo is kind of a basic shape so I tried to stick with that as a theme, here is what I came up with. If you don't like it I can go a different direction.
EDIT: Done, just have to refresh the page to redownload the image.
Good god, you're such a photoshop freak
How long does it take you? /amazed
I'd love the M to be fixed indeed, and I was hoping for a lambda without the small number 2, although it might be more difficult to find such a thing on google.
Thanks again.
It took me about 10 minutes to throw the background together about another 10 minutes to mess with the text effects and about 3 minutes to find and edit the hl2 logo
I will see if I can find one without the 2.
Done, you will have to refresh the page so you redownload the new image because its named the same.
That is some quality stuff, I think I'd probably give you money for it if I was some rich bastard.
testing avatar
OH SWEET, Loving it.