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76561197992829835 Steam join date: Sep 25, 2007
Steam Level: 20
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The Fake c/o
Besides low ballers, you know what really grinds my gears, is this fake c/o crap. You see it all the time . Some guy is like oh hey, i got a genuine maul. C/o buds. You're like, ok, if this guy has a c/o of buds, why isn't he taking it. No f'en way hes getting more. Or more common, is the fake c/o's on unusuals. you get crap like (and ive seen this one) searing plasma glengary bonnet c/o:
4 buds
Hearts pyromancer+bills
Searing defiant spartan+sweets
Many many more lowballers not worth mentioning. (over 100+ offers) Less than 4=auto-reject
Taking offers. Will trade for something I like.
You figure well, either this guy is getting some GOOD ass offers or he's stupid or more likely, HE"S A FUCKEN LIAR. Its got to the point where I just wanna go over there and say, STOP FUCKEN LYING. I've had much sexier unusuals not even get 3 freaken offers. At this jackass is posting like hes gonna get better. This is the shit that just makes me wanna give up. I mean, does this idiot think ANYONE will wanna keep with that. Its not a freakin sunbeams modest for shits sake. If you get 2 offers near its value, you take and move on. Especially with promos.
There are times where I just wanna post 3.9 buds just to see if they'd reject. And speaking of reject, THERE IS NO FUCKEN AUTO-REJECT. I mean, it'd be nice if there was some automated system whereby an offer not near the price of your unusual didn't waste your time but instead was filtered. And later, if u wanted u could look at filtered offers for kicks. But, alas, there is no AUTO reject, only manual. Yes, I do know you mean you wont accept less , but reject works for that. Id prefer to see <x buds=reject. It always saddens me that there isn't an automated system for ignoring bad offers. Instead, my eyes have to get insulted with an offer of 1 buds for my hearts crocleather, cuz he heard he could get an unusual with a buds.
Oh hey, if you do somehow get a load of offers for your hat and I see the same shit 2 weeks later , I think you're a complete douche bag. Take an offer already, we dont have forever to hold on to some of our stuff for you to make up your mind. Thats why I usually withdraw my offer after a couple days. Not gonna sit around and let this asshole use my offer as leverage for a better offer. I suggest you do the same.