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there is a third one that is half of the good one for if you kill less than two little sisters but more than one...
This is what you said. No equal. See? So how can I be the douchebag when it's this very post that makes no sense if you mean that equal to one? Since you clearly said "But more than one" clearly stating that it has to be more than one but less than 2. Since if there's a but, it states a condition, and the condition is that it has to be more than one, making it impossible to equal one. Also, less than two doesnt state or equal to, saying that it's less than 2 and less than 2 only.
One entry found.
Main Entry:
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
im·plied; im·ply·ing
Middle English emplien, from Anglo-French emplier to entangle — more at employ
14th century
1obsolete : enfold , entwine2: to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement <rights>3: to contain potentially4: to express indirectly <his>
synonyms see suggest
usage see infer
The equal you were looking for was fucking 
Of course it doesn't state it you dolt. that is why it is

if I stated it than it wouldn't be

and since it was

than I didn't state it!!! HENCE