Originally Posted by larz
Originally Posted by larz
Originally Posted by larz
Originally Posted by larz
Lawl, payed for a PC game. Instant Fail.Originally Posted by larz
Spore wishes it was Garry's mod...
Originally Posted by larz
Originally Posted by larz
Originally Posted by larz
Originally Posted by larz
Lawl, payed for a PC game. Instant Fail.Originally Posted by larz
Spore wishes it was Garry's mod...
what and you didn't pay for tf2?Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
I bought it the other day and find it rather addictive. I will admit the gameplay at first seems rather repetitive but think about every other game style or to list prime examples:
- MMO: There's no repetition in mission/raid/level grindage?
- Shooters: There's no repition when the good players come in and use the same pwn tactics every game (anyone on tf2 2forts 24/7 no mods no bs will know this one for when pistol45 or wobblit/bubbles connects, all use the same strategy every minute of the game)
If you get into spore you'll find the repetitiveness durable. Same as anyone can enjoy the above examples. The best feature is without a doubt the creators, the single player experience leaces alot to be desired:
- Cell Stage
By most reviews completed in an hour tops and is pretty entertaining.
- Creature Stage
Doible in an hour maybe two, the prime reason for the length of time is part collection.
- Tribal Stage
First real rts portion and have to agree theres not much strategy but it's not a full RTS game. People whining about unit variation have to realize Spore != Warcraft 3/Starcraft 2/AoE. It's a GOD SIM first and fore most. The RTS potion is a nice touch but is not spores primary function.
- Civilization stage
Another rts style portion where you generally have to do the ceasar thing, decide if you wanna take over the world with soldiers, economic might or convert those dirty heathens. Again it's not a true rts so things are rather simple.
- Space Stage
Ok here's where the meat and potatoes are. Yeah it's the buggiest stage in the game (you WILL crash eventually, you will get locked on a planet forcing a reload, you will constantly be called to answer attacks on your planets) but is also the most open ended. IF you bought this game for the GOD SIM it is you should have a blast guiding your race through space setting up colonies and meeting other races the game randomly takes from elsewhere. However for those that want more RTS you should have gone out and bought Gal Civ 2, would have been far better in terms of RTS/micromanagement features.
My only real problems with the space stage are:
- Ship tools seem to lack any general definition/use. ie. Creature Tweaker, I've looked all over but for 500,000 sporebucks and multiple tries on various aliens I have yet to see it do anything other than put the target into a coma.
- Altitude Combat sucks, to fight invaders on the planets you have to be at the same altitude to more or less be in range. It's very easy to be out of range even while flying right on top of a pirate ship because you're flying higher than it is.
- Bugs, there are alot of game stopping bugs in space stage and some that are just annoying:
= Crash to desktop - generally happens when you're leaving a solar system to travel the galaxy
= Can't escape orbit - generally happens when you try to place something (ie a colony) on a planet but it never reaches the surface.
= Dude where's my surface? - after several hours of playing planets tend to lose their solar system graphic appearing as their unshaded wireframe model.
= Land o Plenty - Have found one planet thus far that constantly respawned collectibles. Every time I'd beam one up another would spawn on the exact same planet, the only counter was it was a good allies planet and stealing stuff from their planet = act of aggression.
= Too many allies! We'll switch crap for god! - if your fleet is full and you ally another race you automatically get a ship for your fleet which bumps the last one off the list. This often results in you getting some piddly weak ass 1 star ship with 500 hp replacing the 5 star huggernaut with 2000 hp.
My major hypes about space stage:
- You can customize EVERY colony, unlike other RTS games where your colony uses the exact same buildings on 5 preset looking planets Spore lets you customize how the standard colony buildings (housing/entertainment/factory) looks per colony, you can customize your vehicles per planet hell with enough discoveries you can start shaping the planet itself! Yes it's 3 buildings compared to the usual 6+ but the customizability of those 3 makes up for the limited types.
- Monolith: There's nothing like dropping a monolith on an underdeveloped planet, let them reach space stage worshipping your race like a god...then beating them back into the dirt. >
- Allied Fleet: Instead of half a dozen of the same ship pwning the galaxy your allies actually contribute to your cause by lending you a ship to your fleet. At top rank I'm flying with a fleet of allied cruisers behind mine. When trouble brews I just fly to the planet and let them swarm the enemy.
The only real problem I have with this game is it's SecuRom protection.
Read about it here:
Also, the reason it got such a low rating on Amazon was because of this crap:
Limiting the installs for a game like that just ain't right.
Yahtzee review.