Exactly what I was thinking.Originally Posted by Versed
Exactly what I was thinking.Originally Posted by Versed
Oddly enough, butane looks exactly like I had pictured.
I was taking a trip down memory lane and remembered I had these! Man these bring back such awesome memories. I forgot I had them but now I have to share!
LMA and I living the thug life!
Here's DF and I waiting for everyone else to show up. We showed up almost an hour early lookin' super fly, we're just crazy like that!
Lastly I decided to ruin one of Hell-met's photos by jumping in and pointing out how cool he really is. His eye brows are raised due to his surprise of my photobomb. Man, he never saw it coming!
These are such great pics. Thanks for the memories guys!
Nice job.
Haha, mad photoshop skillz!
Heres one from my camwhoring highschool days
im still a whore though lol
^ average
i'd ask that guy out
thats biology