You better find it or you won't be able to tweet your myspace status to your facebook friends.Originally Posted by supercommierussian
You better find it or you won't be able to tweet your myspace status to your facebook friends.Originally Posted by supercommierussian
Here's a song to help motivate you to get some potassiumOriginally Posted by Adder
bro banana boat smoothies from smoothie king are probably one of the best things on this planet aside from coke and hookers so go get some of those
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
anyone hear from badder?
nah , but i found this interesting article, named "death by the fridge".
He was playing LoL a few days ago I think so it's probably safe to say his surgery went fine.
I was a commando you know.
No worries, he is proly dead and not worried about that damn health care, anyways.
Literally got home about 10 minutes ago. Spent Wednesday and part of thursday in CCU being woken up every 15 minutes but the Anesthesia was still in my system so I really didn't care about anything.
Thursday I got moved into my own room and it was the worst day, I had two chest tubes sticking in me until today and the part that goes into you is a couple inches long, it hurts to breath and if you shift wrong they poke you and it feels like a hot cattle prod is stabbing you from the inside.
Had to do breathing exercises to re-inflate my lung and the entire experience sucked because I couldn't actually lay down to sleep, I had to prop up 5-6 pillows and try to sleep upright while not shifting and keeping my neck in a comfortable position.
So yeah, my chest is still sore but I have to keep working on my lung, tired as crap from having no sleep for the past five days, chest tubes are the worst thing I've ever experienced, and the holes where the tubes were in aren't fully closed so I have to be careful to not tear them, but I made it through, now I just have to hope I don't need this for my right lung.
holy shit that sounds painful
glad to hear you're ok though
also: just in time for steam christmas sale![]()
Good luck on a speedy recovery.