What if I autograph it?
What if I autograph it?
I keep getting this image of opening the box to find "Bite my shiny metal ass" scratched into the side...Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
Damn i love that graphics card! I'm getting the GeForce GTX260 896MB myself here in a couple weeks. I'm sure you'll have a blast with that computer man![]()
Im thinking about getting a set of 9800's. there aren't enough programs that take advantage of the stream processors for it to be extremely useful (hence most games and applications clocking in at the same speed as the later 8800's). It would be like having a quiad-core in 2003.
Don't get me wrong, I know im gonna get one, Im just not rushing it right now as two 9800's will blow anything out of the water...
plus, I think Nvidia still has that "trade in your old shitty cards and we'll give you a discount on this slightly shitty card" deally...
Im thinking about getting two 9800's and a Tesla-card so I can abuse autocad like shit with no consequences.
Yeah, get some uber high-tech gear to play world of warcraft![]()
I hate that hardware is so damn expensive over here in england. Im gonna be getting a gtx 280 soon but they are at £300-£400 which would be like $525-$700 at the current exchange rate. Over the past 4 years ive spent about £2500-£3000 on my computer. The next upgrade im planning will add another £600.
Lawl, newegg...
Get tons of frames in TF2.
5.9 is the max, mind you. 3dmark scores to come soon.
Nice PC DF. Fleffy's and my laptop only have a 5.1 rating, mainly due to the RAM. If it werent for the RAM, we'll have a 5.4 rating.
Is this good?