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I am waiting for him to realize that most of the unlockables in tf2 are banned from competitive play for being poorly balanced making it a really shitty comparison especially since unlike major balance changes to the jungle you can toggle weapons off.
Also no most of the heroes have very tight niches they fill that no other heroes fill thanks to the overall complexity of the game.
No matter what you say LoL will always be a simplified version of dota and the way Riot goes through it's buff/nerf cycles makes it clear they don't exactly know what they are doing.
All of their patch changes are knee-jerk reactions and generally very small pokes and prods. Shit Sion got the most miniscule nerf in the Fizz patch just because he was seeing a lot of play in low elo games. Or Caitlyn who is the weakest late game AD having her MS dropped by 5 because she is strong early game. They make so many pointless changes it's funny and this jungle "rework" is no different. Really ask any of the professional junglers who are in the beta. I have not heard a single one of them saying that it was a good change. Riot regularly misses the "don't fix what isn't broken" point and this jungle rework only further proves my point that they just want the game to be accessible to everyone regardless of skill level.
Remember when Vayne came out? Her first nerf was that to her range dropping it by 5. You know guys I think that didn't do shit because you had to nerf her 3 more times before she wasn't the strongest ad in the game.
I was a commando you know.