Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
that was before the patch that specifically addressed that

even the comments in the video you posted say that.

Vague mentions of "Server performance improvements" don't fix animations. HoN is just fucking faster.
Quote Originally Posted by Levykid
Curious as to why you hate Riot. So far they've done really good work, even if you don't like LoL, you can't fault them for what they've achieved, since they're now more popular than WoW...
Being good at making money and being good at balancing a game or making intelligent decisions regarding balance to begin with are two different things. Riot refuses to include complexity in their games and LoL will always have a lower skill ceiling than Dota or HoN because of how much they simplified the game. I always recommend people who are new to arts's or aren't going to bother getting good over to it just because it's so much easier to learn.