So I am a puzzle enthusiast, and I am experienced in the Rubik's Cube with a 1:35 best time. But I found it was nto challenging me anymore, so I went into the other Rubik's cubes like the 2, and 4. Finished those and needed something else.
Before you continue reading, this is a thread for experienced puzzle enthusiasts only, or else the next paragraph will prove of no use to you.
I eventually found something called a Revomaze, and figured I would try it out. IT IS AWESOME!!! Basically, what it is, is a maze, on a shaft, hidden inside a sleeve. So you must navigate the maze without seeing it. However, there is a trick to it.
So you are probably thinking, o that is easy, I will just blindly turn the shaft back and forth until I win. Hahaha, its alot harder than that. If you hit certain parts, and fall off the maze, you must start all over using their patented restart technology. It is truly a work of art, and I suggest it to fellow enthusiasts.
But beware, the more you solve, the harder the Revomazes you buy gets.
For the series 1 puzzles: In order from easiest to hardest
Special Edition:
Obsession Set: Easiest to hardest
Limited Edition:
The Handmade, Red, and Black are sold out, the yellow is yet to be released, and the titanium is open only for those who get the Collectors Edition
The Obsessions are plastic versions to their Extreme counterparts.
So the Blue Obsession for example, is just a plastic version of the Blue extreme maze.
The extremes are metal, while the Obsessions are plastic.
Good Luck to anyone who I managed to convince to get into this unmistakeable obsession.
"The hardest part of a Revomaze, is putting it down." - quoted from a fellow Revo'er and the website.