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Re: Need some Help
Originally Posted by
To start off this thread, I would just like to thank Drunken F00l for creating SourceOP.
You're welcome.
Whenever they type the player commands (such as !allguns), it never succesfully gives them allguns.
!allguns is not a SourceOP command. Perhaps they are trying commands that aren't SourceOP commands? What other commands don't work?
See this page for a list of player features and commands (the player ability pages are not done, but you get the idea):
And some odd reason when I start my server it says that I've got 1452 credits, but as soon as I make my server nonlan by typing "sv_lan 0", it says I have 0 credits
This is because your SteamID on a LAN game and non-LAN game is different. Credits are based on a player's SteamID so there is no way around it.
and I can't get anymore by killing NPC. It says something like, "You've reached the max credits on this map."
You're interested in the CVAR DF_credits_maxpermap. Set it to something high (like 999999).