Why...? That is so pointless. I would never say these were big enough to buy a completely different version.
Why...? That is so pointless. I would never say these were big enough to buy a completely different version.
I was a commando you know.
Think about who you are talking to for a second.Originally Posted by Snarf
I agree the quick select system is great and better than oblivion, I just wish I could favorite like a combo of magic. So like favorite healing and stoneskin then fire and ice rather than having to switch back and forth between the four.
Switching magic is annoying. I go form fire to regeneration all the timeOriginally Posted by KockEyedNerd
I wish the menus weren't broken so you didn't HAVE to favorite a spell to get it into your right hand.
Not that I care about dual-casting, casting the spells separately seems to do more damage, but I tend to run off-hand shield and first hand spell so I don't get blown up.
I really hate myself for saying this, but I miss the oblivion interface. Especially the fucking E button randomly dragging shit around instead of picking it up.
I still haven't figured out my captchalogue modus, though. I usually end up murdering a shopkeep with a stray boot.
Haters gonna hate
They see me riding', they hatin.Originally Posted by Teeird
Quest log not in tab menu the fuck nigga'
Most irritating UI quirk
try attacking one of the companions then running. instead of attacking you back they just keep opening their dialog menu no matter how many times you close it >.>
Originally Posted by altoidyboy