Originally Posted by
degree to which I'm winning.
Congratulations, you've won the mentally damaged contest!
I honestly could not care less about what you think of me, you clowns think of me as a scummy bag of shit, I don't care, if anything, I'm flattered that you spend a great amount of your life trying to slander my good name, keep on failing.
Keep on trolling, keep on slandering my good name, keep on listening to Scorpion's bullshit, in the end, I just believe in a great Latin saying, which says "Non lasciare che i bastardi si affievoliscono", now I know most of the scorpashits won't understand the Latin language, so I'll do you the kindness of translating it for you, "Do not let the bastards wear you down". A great person in my life said that, so I will continue to believe in it.