:/Originally Posted by reaper0268wtf
:/Originally Posted by reaper0268wtf
Its pretty obvious whats actually happened; Reaper has been kidnapped by a bunch of thugs and those thugs are using Reapers's accounts on his behalf.
This wasn't nearly as funny as I was expecting.
right now .. i have control of both my steam account and the default email with no alts... it looks like valve returned everything..
i had fun in the bucket.. and will come back to start another flaming topic when i get my shit back in order...
those that supported me.. thank you
steamID: reaper's unusuals4Sale
steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30954791
steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022175310
Adder - Douche
Game316 - Douche
Bumpy - Douche
Sivicthemimic - my main man
Jumpinthefire - RL bro
Mr. Boo - sticky spamming jackass
Mexican cowboy - Base hiding jackass
Isuxdix - Awesome guy
Korben and Leeloo - Great to play with, make for a silly time.
Laughing Cawk God - Also really fun to be in a game with.
I remember nerd raging over Sergeant balls and Krylon and their damn medic buddies.
Wait do you seriously know jumpinthefire IRL or are you trolling me.
....i have no idea how violation never made it on the list but to be honestOriginally Posted by ViolatioN
even as much as snarf shit posts. atleast he doesnt do it in the item buying/trading threads on a daily basis for that i have respect for snarf (yea i know im kinda amazed to)but this fucker constant ship posting and starting flame wars (because he drives a 350z and gets hacked)
do balls and/or jump even play anymore?Originally Posted by whitefox
There's my rebuttal. And no I don't give a fuck if it wasn't completely directed at me. You and the rest of the items community have no clue why I flame you to this day. Maybe if you used those two eyeballs in your head you would see other threads where people aren't being complete retards I post useful information as does the rest of these so called shitposters.Originally Posted by PvtParts
I was a commando you know.
Wow I leave these forums for a couple of months and now everyone has become the dumb