Quote Originally Posted by Snarf
Have you ever played a bethesda game of this decade? Just curious.
Sandbox games in general have a lot of bugs. It's the nature of the beast.
I can't speak for oblivion because I didn't get it on launch but fallout 3 on I have been playing them on launch and encountering very little to none as far as game breaking bugs go. The arms could still use some work though as far as camera work goes. They look very... odd right now. But from what I have experienced the game overall has improved a lot since oblivion launched.
All of them, actually. NV was obsidian so doesn't count, f3 crashed every few minutes (not to mention falling through textures, thin man, etc) at random, oblivion terrorized hd's with quick saves (and the npc issues OZA mentioned, and Morrowind - actually didn't have any huge game breaking issues at launch I can remember (well, something npc related, but can't remember specifics).

In any event it's nice to see a strong, mostly bug free launch from them. Bugs or not they make amazingly immersive games.