That reminds me of oblivion, used to be just the same.Originally Posted by Teeird
Then again, can't say I find the game hard at all. If you twoshot elder dragons with two power attacks whithout much of a hassle, it can't be that hard.
That reminds me of oblivion, used to be just the same.Originally Posted by Teeird
Then again, can't say I find the game hard at all. If you twoshot elder dragons with two power attacks whithout much of a hassle, it can't be that hard.
You do know the dragon armor is only slightly worse than daedric and way easier to make right?
I was a commando you know.
Originally Posted by Teeird
if you did read my post, this is pretty much exactely what I wrote. Still I wouldn't recommend anyone with heavy armor to bother with the perk. you need 4 hearts for the full set of daedric armor, you can find one (respawning after 1 ingame week, I believe) in jorvasskr, 2 on sale (48 ingame hours to "respawn" up for sale) in the college of whiterun and 4 alone if you do the daedric quest of... uh... I believe mehrunes dagon, which is not that easy, but also not that hard.Originally Posted by Snarf
Yup. Just like in oblivion.Originally Posted by Teeird
I got my block to 100 after putting all of my points into stamina.
Ain't nothin gonna break my stride. Ain't nothin gonna slow me down.
/Tonnes of Ice based magic comming your way.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
it shouldnt take 10 hrs
But I'm a nord and with the shield's resistance while blocking and my racial passive I have complete immunity to ice...Originally Posted by louistf2
The thread was posted 10 hours before it unlocked on steam.Originally Posted by EnragedLamp
Btw, did anyone else feel disappointed by the Mages College Storyline? Or by the end of the general questlines in general? I mean, in Morrowind and Oblivion I felt much more that I actually have to do something to get promoted to the leader of a fraction.
But then again, that seem more or less to be a general issue of skyrim...