Originally Posted by Kaylee
Originally Posted by Kaylee
yeahh i just think it makes the two flamethrowers more equal...there's no real incentive to use one or the other, it's just based on the map and type of game that's being played.
Just my two cents
I rarely play pyro but when i do i use the original flame thrower. The reason is clear to me, the ability to attack the Uber by pushing it back out a door or off a point. I also use pyro and the back blast to protect engineers equipment as well as the engineer by effectivly moving the spy threat away from both. And quite possibly there is no more beautyful of a sound than a spy-ka-bob.
original flame thrower, flare and axtinguisher.
I love my flare gun, I'll never give it up. I used to use the backburner all the time and liked it, only because I was used to the original flame thrower before the blast was added. After using the original flame thrower, I think I prefer it over the backburner. It's too useful for getting rid of ubers, knocking people off the catwalks and redirecting crit rockets/grenades. I find the axtinguisher is nice for assisting with the removal of heavys. Even when they have a medic.
Heh, I stopped using the axtin because the only time where I use it is against other pyros, and it doesnt work well obviously D:
lol, ya .. kind a waste there. :/
actually, not that the health bonus is gone I have gone back to being a sniper. One headshot will do the job again! (pisses people off when I get a headshot from 10 feet away)
I was loving the fact that they ruined the pyro, I hope they fuck up the heavy, too.
I hope they fuck up the sniper, then their will be no reason to play tf2.
huh, no reason to play tf2.
meh, fallout 3 and spore are reasons not to play TF2
everybody is getting back off of the internet.