turns out my account was disabled because i had traded for stolen items. Went and had a look what steam took as i had no idea and i saw 3 missing random weapons
So i lose my account for 2 days over 1.5 scrap or 15 cents
On top of that i ended up getting the items pretty much instantly back but not the ones i lost. I got 2 weapons plus a duplicate "drab" bills (now i have 2)
Got called "Ryan" by support and that's not my name and was told if i continue to trade in stolen goods the authorities will be notified
Seriously wondering why i support steam. I know the guys who work on tf2 do a great job but wow my mind boggles at the things i have seen recently.
What's my alternative though? Go to EA/ORIGIN and support those assholes/middlemen/jahova whitness's but i do get to play battlefield 3!