76561197972275554 Steam join date: Dec 25, 2004
Steam Level: 26
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steam forums hacked, ffs
Apparently from the information i gathered so far skimming google, the steam forums have been completely hacked. Were advertisements all over linking users to mod snip a hacking and porn site. Apparently posts were also made from a valve emplyees account.
To make things worse for myself my account has been disabled and there can be two reasons for this. First being i had the same password on steam and the forums, sigh yea i know. Secondly my most recent post made mention of me replacing vampire . exe with a nocd version in Vampire the Masquerade but ffs if that's the reason then that's just wrong as the game was unplayable giving error after error to everyone.
Pissed off right now. Spent a few hundred recently on a few games on steam and now i can't even use it on top of the issues with the above mentioned game and all the bugs with TF2 while i think about it.
Really sloppy on valves behalf and considering they peaked at 4.5 million users online in the last 2 days i can only imagine my ticket to support will take about 5 days to answer so god knows how long till i get my account back.