well i have no idea what is sourceop but i joined the server it was fun
but you can use more info on what exacly it is

and maybe you can explain how your going add new weapons if this is only a plugin for mods like hl2 dm, garry mod, and other things.

any way here is my requst

Allow the admin to make his own weapon upgrades and the level to get this upgrade at.

if i press m it would allow me to create like monsters with hp, armor and what ever i wan't on that monster and choose a weapon.

but this create a weapon idea will be simple chooseing a hl2 weapon then seting what level you get this upgrade or how meny credits to buy it then seting what projetile it files from a huge list or import your own model for a projectile how mutch dmg the projtile can do

and how meny bullets the gun can fire at one time meny others

so it would look something like this.

Weapon Creator

=Credits= =Name of weapon=
= Select from one of the weapons from the game=

Health of Projetile or enity
Primary Fire Projtile: (model name or enity name)
Damage: (if enity you can't set damage due to it will spawn the enity you set insted of projetile)
Speed of Projetile - List-
Combine Ball

Alt-Fire (this is the alternate fire)

Homing? (check box)

Effect on hit
Effect on Fire

2nd Fire projtile: (model name or enity name)
Damage: (if enity you can't set damage due to it will spawn the enity you set insted of projetile)
Speed of Projetile - List-
Combine Ball
Homing? (check box)

Alt-Fire (this is the alternate fire)

read above

hp: (like combine ball blows up after a certen ammout of time)

Here are the effects

Effect on hit

Combine Ball Effect
Slow Mo
Speed up
No Effect

Effects on Fire

Jam (reloading Take's longer)
(more to come)
No Effect

Effect on hit: the effect it will do when it hits an player (list)
Effect on Fire (this will effect you when you fire the gun)

enity only stuff below

Enity Creator

Npc Respawn? (yes or no)

Credits to Hire (how meny credits needed to hire the npc)
Health (health of npc)
Damage (how mutch damage the npc will do)

--------------------DropDown Menu to select enity----
npc_combine guard
npc_combine eltite
npc_rollermine (can be used as flag)
npc_shieldscanner (can be used as flag)
and tons more like wood boxs and others.

Weapons *npc only*
what ever weapon the npc can use correct

enity is aily? (yes or no)
Enity is flag (yes or no)
Enity is Land mine (yes or no (if steped on it will blow up)

-------------------when you pick up or when the npc damages you this will happen to you


effect time " "
the effect will last that ammout of time

Edit here is more info

---------Npc Idea's--------


this npc will have a model of an rebel you will be able to buy weapons from him by pressing E on him